Dessert First!

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Today we’re going to start with dessert—a quiz! Uncharacteristically, the learning portion will come at the end.

Below you’ll find a game that I had to excise from my forthcoming kanji book, because of space constraints. (Similar exercises remain in the book, but this one got the axe because it was so long.) It seemed like a shame to waste the material, especially after my friend Mayumi-san was nice enough to help me create the game, so I thought I’d present it here.

In the sentences below, one kanji appears repeatedly: . This character has quite a few yomi, and the point of the game is to figure out which yomi applies each time. Rewrite the sentences in hiragana or rōmaji, and see if you can determine what they mean.

If you want to have a go at the quiz without any hints, that’s great! But if you do want some prompting, you’ll find more information at the links below.

Ganbatte kudasai! (Good luck!)


What Does It Say?


Hint 1: The Various Yomi of

Hint 2: The Yomi of All the Kanji

What the Passage Says and Means …