“Kyo no Tenki wa do Desu ka?”

Welcome back survival phrase learners!

Our title today translates to, “how is the weather today?”

Kristen Joy Watts Umbrellas

Fortunately, it’s been sunny, so I’ve been unable to snap one of my own umbrella photos, but this is one I found online. [Photo by: Kristen Joy Watts – https://www.kristenjoywattsphotography.com/japan%20narratives.html]

Today I listened to the following lessons:
SurvivalPhrases.com Japanese 29 & 30
JapanesePod101.com Survival Phrases 23, 24, & 25

The most important section in my opinion from today is about weather! As you may or may not know, it is the rainy season here in Japan this month, and it feels like it rains every day. I’ve been here for two weeks now, and there have only been three sunny days!

It gets depressing waking up every morning to a cloudy sky, but that is the only thing that seems to be truly consistent with the tenki, or weather, at this time of year. Sometimes it is pouring and others a mere drizzle. Yesterday, even though it rained, it was so hot outside I felt like I could hardly breathe. Today, it is raining, but it is cold outside. The temperature seems to constantly vary here despite the consistent overcast sky and precipitation.

One thing I have noticed about Tokyo is that everyone uses kasa, or umbrellas. Every place of business has umbrella racks, including the JapanesePod101.com HQ! It seems as if it is rude to bring an umbrella inside of buildings. Some places have plastic umbrella wrappers to put your wet umbrella in, so that it does not drip.

One seemingly clear night, I went to a restaurant thinking it wasn’t going to rain. Of course, by the time I was ready to leave, it was pouring. I didn’t have an umbrella on me and was getting ready to face the rain. It was then that I felt a little tap on my shoulder and turned to see one of the hosts of the restaurant holding an umbrella out for me to take free of charge. It wasn’t a fancy restaurant or anything, it was just common Japanese compassion and strive for good service. He saved my night… and my silk blouse!

It is very humid here in Tokyo. Some days, it feels like you could cut through the humidity with a knife. If you have curly and/or frizzy hair like myself, be sure to bring something to tame your locks!

The podcast mentioned a hyakuen shoppu, or 100 yen store, like an American “dollar store”. On my first day in Tokyo, I went to a store called Don Quixote in Roppongi. It is undoubtedly a hyakuen shoppu. The store is at least 5 stories high and each floor sells different items. One floor is all food and beverage, one is electronics, one is home supplies and goods, one is clothing, costumes, and other miscellaneous things; the list goes on. One could talk for days about everything inside of this place. It is a maze, but like Peter raved, there is something wonderful about it.

If you ever need anything, be sure to find a store like this one. I got everything from a shower caddy to toilet paper and some milk. One of my friends even bought a pair of Nike sneakers. They’re good looking too!

Kyo wa ame desu kanari.” (today it is raining a fair bit), so if you’re in the area, cuddle up to a good book and stay dry! I know that’s what I’ll be doing.

Until next time!