Do You Remember Me?


We are pleased to announce that a new “remember me” function is now available. When you login to you will now have the option to check a “Remember me?” box. If you do, you won’t have to login again from that same computer for up to 7 days!

Remember Me

To turn on the remember me functionality, simply click the checkbox next to the Login and Password fields. Then when you are finished interacting with the site – just close the browser window – do not logout (logging out erases the remember me ability).

If you accidentally clicked the remember me option, don’t worry – just be sure to fully logout of the site before leaving. The next time you visit the site, you will be asked to login again.

If you encounter any issues with this new functionality or wish to see it enhanced in some way, please post a comment or shoot us an email.

Yoroshiku onegai shimasu!