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Dimitri’s Amazing Mac Application Update!

Dimitri-san, a young and talented programmer from Los Angeles, has just launched Version 1.0 of his incredible JapanesePod101.com application (see screenshot below). Using our RSS feed, his incredible application enables end users to quickly browse, search, sort, listen, and watch our daily podcasts and videocasts using one convenient tool. You can even see the romaji and transcripts as you hear each lesson!
Version 1.0 includes the following upgrades and improvements:

  • powerful control over managing all the episodes, as they can be filtered by name, date time — you name it!
  • instant search built in
  • easy to use controller for playing episodes
  • plays video episodes, along with audio ones
  • next button goes up the list, selecting the newer episode, unlike iTunes
  • integrated built in JapanesePod101.com web site support for instant access to the learning center, episode comments, and PDFs
  • ability to print out your own customised Kana practice sheets
  • Kanji/Kana Close-Up available when you click a Japanese Character in the episode’s transcript
  • easily viewable episode transcripts
  • saves episodes to your disk for those rainy days without internet
  • allows you to play episodes before they downloaded for those slow internet connections
  • short typing tutorial for those wanting to practice typing Japanese

Thank you Dimitri-san!

Please direct all technical questions, issues, bugs, and feedback to Dimitri at dimitri008@mac.com (please indicate [Version 1.0] in the subject line of your email). We too at JapanesePod101.com would love to hear your feedback about the application.
On behalf of eveyone here at JapanesePod101.com, I would like to thank Dimitri for all his hard work in putting together this extraordinary application.

Dimitri-san also provides a newsletter for the application and a FAQ section.
Yoroshiku onegai shimasu.