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さくら: さくらです。
Peter: Peter here. Onomatopoeia lesson 2. Japanese Animal Sounds.
さくら: はい。
Peter: Sakura-san,
さくら: Onomatopoeiaです
Peter: I think we are going to have you say opening . Again everyone thank you for listening. In the previous lesson, we explained what onomatopoeia is. Basically English onomatopoeia means words that imitate sounds. Again I think comic books, the fight scene, Sakura-san, give me some.
さくら: Bang.
Peter: Pow, whack.
さくら: Splash.
Peter: Crash. So these are the words that represent sounds. However Japanese onomatopoeia is a little bit different from English right?
さくら: はい。We have two types of onomatopoeia 擬音語 and 擬態語.
Peter: 擬音語 refers to the imitation of sounds. Now 擬態語 refers to outward appearance or inner psychology rather than the actual sound. So today, we are dealing with
さくら: 擬音語the imitation of sound.
Peter: Sakura-san, today’s target onomatopoeia words are
さくら: ワンワンand にゃんにゃん
Peter: Okay so now please have a listen to the sample sentence. This will use both onomatopoeia we just introduced. Sakura-san お願いします。
さくら: はい。
さくら: 隣の家には、犬が3匹、猫が4匹いる。朝からワンワン、にゃんにゃんうるさくて困る
Peter: My neighbor has three dogs and four cats. I am really annoyed by their barking and yelling in the morning.
Peter: Let’s take a closer look at these two onomatopoeia. Sakura-san.
さくら: ワンワン
Peter: Is a sound made by
さくら: Dogs.
Peter: And
さくら: にゃんにゃん
Peter: Is a sound made by
さくら: Cats.
Peter: It’s kind of the opposite onomatopoeia, kind of. Now Sakura-san, they are both spelled in
さくら: In hiragana and katakana.
Peter: And this depends on the writer’s perception and generally speaking, the katakana is used when the rider wants to emphasize the words. Now jumping back to the cat sound.
さくら: はい。にゃんにゃん
Peter: Some people may pronounce the word
さくら: ニャーニャー
Peter: Which is just extending the vowel.
さくら: そう。ニャーニャー
Peter: Sakura-san, which do you use?
さくら: I use ニャーニャーかな。どっちを使いますか、ピーターさんは。
Peter: Umm I use にゃんにゃん
さくら: にゃんにゃんね。
Peter: What’s interesting here is in English, we have meow! Meow and
さくら: ニャー。にゃんにゃん
Peter: Completely different.
さくら: そうですね。
Peter: It’s interesting to see that people who speak different languages hear or interpret the sounds differently. So Sakura-san, we are actually going to play the animal sounds. We will have the audio clip and could you tell us how Japanese people imitate the sound?
さくら: はい。
Peter: Okay here we go.
(the audio clip)
さくら: メーメー、メーメー
Peter: Next
(the audio clip)
さくら: ヒヒーン、ヒヒーン
Peter: Next
(the audio clip)
さくら: ブーブー、ブーブー
Peter: Next
(the audio clip)
さくら: モーモー、モーモー
Peter: Next
(the audio clip)
さくら: ケロケロ、ケロケロ
Peter: Next
(the audio clip)
さくら: コケコッコー、コケコッコー
Peter: The animal sounds so sweet when you do the sounds. Umm let’s talk about the usage but it’s so different.
さくら: そうですね。
Peter: Than the English. Let’s just go back. I will give you the English for some and you give me the Japanese.
さくら: Okay.
Peter: Baa-baa
さくら: メーメー
Peter: Oink oink
さくら: ブーブー
Peter: Moo-moo
さくら: モーモー
Peter: Ribbit ribbit.
さくら: ケロケロ
Peter: Cock-a-doodle-doo
さくら: コケコッコー
Peter: You sound better but I think that’s because you have a better voice and like you actually kind of sing them.
さくら: でもSome of them are close.
Peter: Yes.
さくら: But some of them are really different like “ribbit” and ケロケロ are completely different.
Peter: Completely different. Okay so inside the PDF again, there is a very detailed write up. So we definitely recommend grabbing the PDF for this lesson. What we are going to do now is look at the usage. Sakura-san, how do we use these?
さくら: You have the sound that animal makes plus と鳴く
Peter: And in this case 鳴く is not to cry but rather the sound that animal makes.
さくら: Yes.
Peter: The cry of an animal.
さくら: そうです、そうです。
Peter: There is also
さくら: Sound that animal makes plus と言う
Peter: Of course と言う is “to say” but in this case, it’s what the noise the animal is making. Finally we have
さくら: Sound that animal makes plus と吠える (ほえる).
Peter: And this one is “to bark” or “howl”. So this one is a bit more limited with the usage.
さくら: はい。
Peter: And one more kind of interesting point. Sakura-san, I noticed Japanese children do something pretty interesting with the onomatopoeia for dogs.
さくら: They call dogs ワンワン
Peter: So they are actually calling it by the onomatopoeia “bark, bark”.
さくら: あそこにワンワンがいるよ, like that.
Peter: “Over there, bark, bark!” “Hey look, there is a bark, bark over there.”
さくら: そうそうそう
Peter: And of course, hey over there is a dog. Very interesting. Let’s have a couple of sample sentences.
さくら: 小さな子があっ、ワンワンだと言って、私の犬に近づいてきた。
Peter: “A little kid said, oh it’s a ワンワン a doggie and came closer to my dog.” That’s a good translation, doggie.
さくら: ドギーね。
Peter: So can we do にゃんにゃん for kitty?
さくら: Yes.
Peter: How about another sample sentence?
さくら: 家の前で小さい猫がニャーニャーと鳴いていた。
Peter: “A small cat was meowing in front of the house.” Another one.
さくら: ずっと家に帰っていなかったので、犬にワンワン吠えられた。
Peter: “Since I hadn’t been home for such a long time, my dogs barked at me when I returned.” And finally
さくら: 今夜はカエルがケロケロよく鳴いている。
Peter: The frogs are ribbiting loudly tonight. In two of these examples, you saw the verb 鳴く. It’s a very interesting character. The left side is mouth, the right side is
さくら: Bird.
Peter: So it’s like the chirping and you saw it used here for frogs
さくら: And you can use it for animals as well.
Peter: So you saw it used for frogs.
さくら: ケロケロ鳴く
Peter: And in this case, it didn’t have the と
さくら: It can be dropped, it can be either ケロケロと鳴くor ケロケロ鳴くwhichever is okay.
Peter: And we also had と鳴くwhich was for the cat.
さくら: Yes. ニャーニャーと鳴いていた
Peter: So it was meowing.
さくら: It can be ニャーニャー鳴いていた,と can be dropped.
Peter: Okay Sakura-san, do you have a favorite?
さくら: Favorite? ケロケロですね。
Peter: うそでしょ。
さくら: えっ、何で。
Peter: Me too…
さくら: ほんと。でもなつこさんは、ケロケロ嫌いだと思う。
Peter: She hates frogs.
さくら: そうです。
Peter: We should get her a pet frog.


Peter: Okay that’s going to do it for this lesson. Be sure to get the PDF. Again inside the PDF, we have a list of more animals. We also have a reference to a previous lesson we did. Do you remember that lesson?
さくら: はい。 It explains what onomatopoeia is.
Peter: So be sure to pick that up and be sure to leave us a post. Tell us about onomatopoeia in your country?
さくら: そうですね。待ってまーす。
Peter: That’s going to do it for this lesson.


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