
Vocabulary (Review)

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Momoyo: みなさんこんにちは、Momoyoです。
Yasunori: Yasunoriです。
Marky: Marky here. Welcome to a very special culture class. Today, we are talking about.
Momoyo: 岡山弁
Marky: Yes the Okayama dialect. So maybe we should start by talking about where Okayama is.
Momoyo: Okay. It’s been Hyogo and Hiroshima. 魚がおいしいですよ。特に、さわらとかままかりとか。 which is very fresh and good.

Lesson focus

Marky: So many listeners have been asking for 関西弁 lessons. However, it’s kind of hard to find a lot of Kansai speaking people in Tokyo. So Okayama is not in Kansai.
Momoyo: That’s right.
Marky: But it’s next to Kansai. So….
Momoyo: Yes a little bit…
Marky: Of the Kansai flavor in this one…
Momoyo: Exactly yeah.
Marky: But this is a very cool dialect.
Momoyo: And strong.
Marky: Strong. Yeah my impression of it before even hearing it just from what people told me was it is quite rough.
Momoyo: Yeah exactly. So if a pervert attacks you on the train, you can use 岡山弁and he will be freaked out. I did that actually yeah the other day.
Marky: Really?
Momoyo: Uhoo pretending I am a mistress or girlfriend of a mafia person from Hiroshima.
Marky: So it’s that strong of a dialect. It has kind of – yeah やくざ kind of image.
Momoyo: Yeah if you know やくざ movies.
Marky: All right. Well anyways, let’s get directly into the conversation.
Momoyo: Okay.
Marky: Momoyo and Yasunori have especially crafted this conversation for us. We are going to get a three part series and there is a lot of drama in here. So you guys definitely want to check this out. So to get started, our conversation takes place between who?
Momoyo: Between Momoyo and Yasunori, Momoyo myself.
Marky: And Yasunori himself.
Momoyo: Yasunori himself.
Marky: Where does the conversation take place?
Momoyo: At home.
Marky: At home?
Momoyo: Uhoo.
Marky: Okay and of course, this is a dialect. So the politeness level is very casual.
Momoyo: Yes.
Marky: All right. So without further ado, let’s get right into it.
ヤス: のぉ、わしのブランデー知らんか?昨日買うてここに置いとったんじゃけど、ねぇんじゃ。
モモ: ああ、それな。ごめん。私全部飲んでしもうた。
ヤス: はぁ?ちばけな。あれ高かったんで。でもまあ、お互い様いうことかの。 わしもあんたのウイスキー飲んでしもうたけぇ。
モモ: なんじゃ、それ?あんたこそ気がわりぃわぁ。どうしてくれるん?
ヤス: よう言うわ。人のチョコレートこっそり食ようったの、知らんとでも思よんか?
モモ: 男がな、女子供の食べるチョコレートなんか食べられな、気持ちわりぃ。
ヤス: あんただって気持ちわりぃがな。猫に話しかける時、猫言葉になってしもうて。
モモ: それ、そのまんま返すわ。誰でぇ、裏声で猫に話しかけるおっさんは!
ヤス: 何よんなぁ・・・?
モモ: よう言うわ、あんたなぁ・・・。
Sakura: もう一度お願いします。今度はゆっくりお願いします。
ヤス: のぉ、わしのブランデーしらんか?きのうこうてここにおいとったんじゃけど、ねぇんじゃ。
モモ: ああ、それな。ごめん。わたしぜんぶのんでしもうた。
ヤス: はぁ?ちばけな。あれたかかったんで。でもまあ、おたがいさまいうことかの。 わしもあんたのウイスキーのんでしもうたけぇ。
モモ: なんじゃ、それ?あんたこそきがわりぃわぁ。どうしてくれるん?
ヤス: よういうわ。ひとのチョコレートこっそりくいようったの、しらんとでもおもいよんか?
モモ: おとこがな、おんなこどものたべるチョコレートなんかたべられな、きもちわりぃ。
ヤス: あんただってきもちわりぃがな。ねこにはなしかけるとき、ねこことばになってしもうて。
モモ: それ、そのまんまかえすわ。だれでぇ、うらごえでねこにはなしかけるおっさんは!
ヤス: なによんなぁ・・・?
モモ: よういうわ、あんたなぁ・・・。
Naomi: 次は標準語です。
ヤス: なあ、俺のブランデー知らない?昨日買ってここに置いてたんだけど、無いんだ。
モモ: ああ、それね。ごめん。私全部飲んじゃったの。
ヤス: はぁ?ふざけるな。あれ高かったんだよ。でもまあ、お互い様ってことかな。俺も君のウイスキー飲んでしまったからね。
モモ: 何、それ?あなたこそ、むかつくわぁ。どうしてくれるの?
ヤス: よく言うよ。君が僕のチョコレートこっそり食べてたこと、知らないとでも思ってるのかよ?
モモ: 男がね、女子供の食べるチョコレートなんか食べるべきじゃないわ、気持ち悪い。
ヤス: 君こそ気持ち悪いよ。猫に話しかける時、猫言葉になっちゃって。
モモ: それ、そのまんま返すわ。誰よ、裏声で猫に話しかけるおっさんは!
ヤス: 何を言っているんだ・・・?
モモ: よく言うわ、あなたねぇ・・・
Naomi: 今度は英語が入ります。
ヤス: のぉ、わしのブランデー知らんか?
Hey, have you seen my brandy?
I bought a bottle and put it here, but it’s gone.
モモ: ああ、それな。ごめん。私全部飲んでしもうた。
Ah that one? Sorry, I drank it all.
ヤス: はぁ?ちばけな。あれ高かったんで。
What! Get out of here, it was expensive.
でもまあ、お互い様いうことかの。 わしもあんたのウイスキー飲んでしもうたけぇ。
But I guess we are even, I drank your whisky.
モモ: なんじゃ、それ?あんたこそ気がわりぃわぁ。どうしてくれるん?
What! You jerk! What are you going to do about my whisky?
ヤス: よう言うわ。人のチョコレートこっそり食ようったの、知らんとでも思よんか?
Wait a minute! You’ve been sneaking my chocolate and you think I didn’t know.
モモ: 男がな、女子供の食べるチョコレートなんか食べられな、気持ちわりぃ。
You know. A guy isn’t supposed to eat such girly stuff. You are sick!
ヤス: あんただって気持ちわりぃがな。
No you make me sick.
You speak a Cat’s language to cats.
モモ: それ、そのまんま返すわ。誰でぇ、裏声で猫に話しかけるおっさんは!
You weirdo, you speak with a cat's falsetto.
ヤス: 何よんなぁ・・・?
Hey what are you talking about?
モモ: よう言うわ、あんたなぁ・・・。
How dare you!
Marky: Okay it’s interesting. A friend of mine who is from Osaka recently told me that when she comes to Tokyo, she thought that everyone speaks very delicately or gentle and she said, especially the guys talk like girls and I was kind of shocked because I live in Tokyo. I’ve been learning Japanese in Tokyo and I think sometimes Tokyo way of speaking can also be a little bit rough but when I hear 岡山弁 and the standard Japanese, there is quite a strong difference that I noticed.
Momoyo: Uhoo…
Marky: What do you think about that?
Yasunori: 岡山弁のほうが迫力あると思う。
Momoyo: 確かに岡山で育った人間がいきなり東京に来て、こっちの男性が話す言葉聞くと、ちょっと女っぽく聞こえるよな。どう思う?Yasuくんは。
Yasunori: そうだね。そうかな。
Momoyo: 自分だって、ほら東京弁なってしもうて、私には絶対言わんのにな。おえんな。
Marky: So as speakers of the Okayama dialect, when you hear guys speak Japanese in Tokyo, you think it sounds kind of feminine.
Momoyo: Yeah maybe I should say delicate.
Marky: Delicate.
Momoyo: And gentle.
Marky: Ah so everyone if you want to sound like a man, study the Okayama dialect. Let’s get right into the vocabulary. There are a couple of like really interesting words in this conversation. So the first one I noticed was
Yasunori: ちばけな。
Marky: Get out of here.
Yasunori: ちばけな。ちばけな。
Marky: Okay. So this is a word that you use when you are complaining. In Tokyo, there is a similar word and that word is
Momoyo: ふざけるな。
Marky: So to show how to use this word, why did Yasunori use this word at this particular moment?
Momoyo: Because the brandy was very expensive and he didn’t want to believe that it was all gone and he wanted to blame me for that.
Marky: Okay. So it’s an angry word.
Momoyo: Oh yes.
Marky: I see. The next interesting word we had is, sometimes I think I can hear it in Tokyo as well and that was
Momoyo: 気がわりぃ。
Marky: You are disgusting.
Momoyo: 気がわりぃ。気がわりぃ。
Marky: So in the standard Japanese, this would be
Momoyo: ムカつく。
Marky: Yeah and ムカつく is like, I am upset. I am really, really angry. This is quite a strong word. So in 岡山弁 is 気がわりぃ is this a really strong word also?
Momoyo: Yes it’s a strong word. When you are very angry, you can use it but it’s a high frequency word.
Marky: Ah so you can hear this one a lot.
Momoyo: A lot yes like あんた気がわりぃ。
Marky: Me?
Momoyo: あの電車気がわりぃ。あの先生気がわりぃ。 like that.
Marky: I am really angry at you or I am really angry about the strain. I hate this teacher.
Momoyo: Yes.
Marky: Also in the first line of the conversation
Yasunori: 昨日買うてここに置いとったんじゃけど、ねぇんじゃ。
Marky: Okay and here, I heard some very interesting things quite different from standard Japanese. We have じゃけど and ねぇんじゃ. What is じゃ?
Momoyo: It refers to だ in standard Japanese but in Okayama, you say じゃ instead of だin the end of a sentence.
Marky: So yeah, this is the copula, a good friend だ and です and it’s quite interesting because I am a big fan of Samurai movies and I always hear じゃ instead of だ in Samurai movies. So for me, this has very – yeah once again that manly kind of sound to it. Okay there is a few other grammatical items that we want to point out here. One is the sentence ending particle け. So we have this line.
Yasunori: わしはあんたのウイスキー飲んでしもうたけ。
Marky: Okay. So this sentence ends in け which in Tokyo I never hear.
Momoyo: Oh of course.
Marky: What is け?
Momoyo: It means から because
Marky: Because. Also this 飲んでしもうた this is also very interesting for me. What is しもうた?
Momoyo: しまった in standard Japanese.
Marky: Okay. So this is the past tense of しまう which is to complete an action.
Momoyo: Uhoo.
Marky: So like 飲んじゃった。飲んでしまった。
Momoyo: Yes.
Marky: Okay so in Tokyo, しまう becomes しまった and this becomes
Momoyo: しもうた。
Marky: In 岡山弁 is this a standard sound change? There are other verbs where we can hear this おうた instead of あった
Momoyo: Yes 「昨日山田さんに会った」が、「昨日山田さんにおうた」になります。
Marky: So yesterday I met Mr. Yamada. So this 会った becomes おうた. How about other verbs in this class like in Tokyo, 買うis to buy and 買った is
Momoyo: こうた。
Marky: こうた。 Okay. So yeah basically in standard Japanese, if you have a verb that ends with a small っand た this will become おうた in 岡山弁. So can we have one more example?
Momoyo: For example, 歌った becomes うとうた in 岡山弁
Marky: So I sang うとうた
Momoyo: うとうた
Marky: Very, very cool. Now also, in the same sentence, we had a different first personal pronoun. So in Tokyo of course, you can say わたし or as guys would say in a very informal situation probably おれ but in Okayama ben what do they use?
Yasunori: わし
Marky: わし So this is I for guys in Okayama dialect and I also hear this in Samurai movies.
Momoyo: Yeah. そうだね。
Marky: And the last thing I want to point out is kind of a cultural insight. The whole thing about cats. So we have this phrase
Momoyo: 猫に話しかけるとき、猫言葉になってしもうて。
Marky: Okay. When you talk to cats, you use cat words. What is this? What are cats words?
Momoyo: For example, 何かな? becomes 何かにゃ? 、おなかすいたかな?becomes おなかすいたかにゃん? かわいいにゃん!like that.
Marky: So にゃ is the sound that cats make right like meow!
Momoyo: Yes.
Marky: Yeah I hear girls do this a lot when they are trying to be cute like they will end their sentences with にゃ instead of ねor something. For our listeners who live in Japan, they might be familiar with this. If you don’t live in Japan, it’s probably completely alien to you.
Momoyo: Yeah.
Marky: But yeah, so sometimes you will hear that. So this fight started out over a brandy, then became whisky, then became chocolate and now finally, they are just looking for any small point to complain about and so he said well, you say にゃ too much.
Momoyo: And it goes on and on and on and maybe in the end either of us can blame our eyebrow and stuff like I hate your eyebrow.
Marky: You never shave your nose hair or something, you know.
Momoyo: Yeah.
Marky: Pointless fight.
Momoyo: Yeah and when we are out of stuff, then the fight is end.
Marky: And then it’s peace?
Momoyo: Peace yes.


Marky: Oh okay good, good. I want a happy ending. All right, so on that note, we are going to have to wrap things up. That’s all the time we have for today. If you want to practice this dialect, I highly suggest going into the learning center and trying the line by line. I think if you can get this intonation down, you are really going to impress or shock – probably shock some people if you can bust out some Okayama ben. So in Okayama, is there a standard farewell or a goodbye?
Momoyo: In casual way, we say じゃぁな or またな。
Marky: All right. On that note, またな。
Momoyo: またな。 Bye bye.
Yasunori: またな。


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