
Vocabulary (Review)

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Nozomi: こんにちは、Nozomiです。
Marky: Marky here. Welcome to japanesepod101.com. Once again, I am here in the studio with the lovely Nozomi san.
Nozomi: はい、ありがとうございます。
Marky: 元気ですか?
Nozomi: はい、元気です。
Marky: So I have to say it is wonderful to have you back in the studio again.
Nozomi: ありがとうございます。

Lesson focus

Marky: And what is today’s lesson?
Nozomi: またまた、青森弁です。
Marky: Yes we are doing Aomori-Ben again. So before we start, I’d like to ask you a couple of questions about Aomori prefecture.
Nozomi: はい。
Marky: In your opinion, what is Aomori most famous for?
Nozomi: もちろんそれはりんごですね。 Of course Aomori is famous for Apples.
Marky: Famous for Apples?
Nozomi: Yes.
Marky: Actually I heard that Aomori is the #1 producer of Apples in all of Japan.
Nozomi: Yes that’s right.
Marky: Are there any other famous vegetables growing in Aomori?
Nozomi: Yes famous for garlic. 特に青森のにんにくはおいしいですよ。 Especially 青森にんにく is very delicious.
Marky: Yeah actually I have another statistic here. It is the #2 producer of garlic in Japan.
Nozomi: はい。
Marky: Do you know where #1 is?
Nozomi: In Japan, umm Ibaraki.
Marky: Ibaraki?
Nozomi: Yeah.
Marky: Ibaraki prefecture.
Nozomi: Yeah, no?
Marky: I don’t know. I am asking you, so…
Nozomi: Yeah.
Marky: Okay well maybe we can research that but I have no reason to not believe you.
Nozomi: Yeah.
Marky: Okay. Next I wanted to ask you about another famous place in Aomori – Hirosaki Park.
Nozomi: Yes very famous.
Marky: Why is this place famous?
Nozomi: There are a lot of Cherry Blossom trees.
Marky: Yes there are a lot of Cherry Blossoms in Hirosaki Park. Also it’s the oldest commissioned park in Japan. The governments built this park in 1882.
Nozomi: I didn’t know.
Marky: Basically that is like 10 or 20 years into the Meiji period. So this park is maybe older than Ueno Park in Tokyo.
Nozomi: Wow!
Marky: Yeah.
Nozomi: Unbelievable.
Marky: Unbelievable.
Nozomi: Yeah and also there is a castle in Hirosaki.
Marky: There is a castle there.
Nozomi: Yes in Hirosaki Park.
Marky: What’s the name of the castle?
Nozomi: 弘前城(ひろさきじょう)
Marky: What do you think is the best time of the year to visit Hirosaki, should I go in the winter?
Nozomi: No we have a lot of snow in winter. So I think spring is the best because there are many cherry blossoms surrounding Hirosaki Castle and it’s very beautiful.
Marky: All right, that said let’s get into our lesson. Today we are listening to two characters. What are their names?
Nozomi: ShoくんとYukiさんです。
Marky: Yes, Sho and Yuki are back and today Sho has a problem.
Nozomi: Yes. He had a bad grade on his test.
Marky: So let’s see what happens.
Nozomi: Yeah let’s see.
Marky: Here we go.
将: やべー。まだテストの点数悪がったじゃー。どすべ?
ゆき: なしてそったにまいね?
将: めぐせべよー。かっちゃさも叱られるんだね。どせば?
ゆき: なげてまえば?
将: んだ。なげるわ。
Take: もう一度お願いします。ゆっくりお願いします。
しょう: やべー。まだテストのてんすうわるがったじゃー。どすべ?
ゆき: なしてそったにまいね?
しょう: めぐせべよー。かっちゃさもしかられるんだね。どせば?
ゆき: なげてまえば?
しょう: んだ。なげるわ。
Take: 次は英語が入ります。
将: やべー。まだテストの点数悪がったじゃー。どすべ?
Oh man, I got a bad grade on my test again. What should I do?
ゆき: なしてそったにまいね?
Why is that so bad?
将: めぐせべよー。かっちゃさも叱られるんだね。どせば?
It’s embarrassing plus my mom is going to chew me out. What can I do?
ゆき: なげてまえば?
Why don’t you throw it away?
将: んだ。なげるわ。
Yeah I will throw it away.
Marky: So Nozomi san,
Nozomi: Yes.
Marky: 今日の会話はどうでしたか?
Nozomi: ShoくんもYukiさんも、とっても悪い子ですね。
Marky: So you think they are both bad characters.
Nozomi: Yes そうですね。
Marky: なるほどね。
Nozomi: Shoくんはもっと勉強しなければなりませんね。
Marky: Shoくん has to study more.
Nozomi: Yes.
Marky: I think so too. Today’s lesson was very short.
Nozomi: Yes.
Marky: So let’s get right into the vocabulary today.
Nozomi: はい。
Marky: Okay our first word is
Nozomi: やべ。
Marky: And this word is what in standard Japanese?
Nozomi: やばい。
Marky: I hear this word every day.
Nozomi: はい、よく聞きますね。
Marky: And I think it’s very difficult to translate this word into English.
Nozomi: Umm…
Marky: In this case, it has kind of negative meaning right?
Nozomi: はい。
Marky: Yeah he is really freaking out about his test. So he says やばい。
Nozomi: Yes, yes.
Marky: So this is like oh no!
Nozomi: Yes or oh my god!
Marky: Yeah he is really worried. Can this word have a positive meaning?
Nozomi: Yes 今日はやばい天気がいいね。
Marky: Okay how can we translate that? Today’s weather is
Nozomi: Pretty good.
Marky: Pretty good.
Nozomi: Or…
Marky: So good, it’s insane, something like that.
Nozomi: Yes.
Marky: Umm I love that word. I love やばい. Okay all right, let’s try out our next word here.
Nozomi: Umm.. 悪かったじゃ。
Marky: How would you say this in standard Japanese?
Nozomi: 悪かったよ。
Marky: Okay and again we’ve had this じゃ ending in all of the listening activities. So this particle connects to the verb.
Nozomi: Yes.
Marky: And it basically makes the verb stronger.
Nozomi: Uhoo…
Marky: So basically he is saying it was bad.
Nozomi: Yeah.
Marky: It was really bad.
Nozomi: Yeah.
Marky: Next phrase
Nozomi: どすべ。
Marky: We saw this in the last lesson also. What is this in standard Japanese?
Nozomi: どうしよう。
Marky: What should I do?
Nozomi: Yes.
Marky: We saw this べ in another listening activity. This is actually three words, right? ど how
Nozomi: はい。
Marky: す Do.
Nozomi: はい。Do
Marky: Connected with べ
Nozomi: はい。
Marky: And this すべ
Nozomi: はい。
Marky: Is しよう. So this makes the dictionary form of the verb into the conditional form.
Nozomi: はい。
Marky: This べ is very typical of Aomori dialect.
Nozomi: Yes.
Marky: Our next word.
Nozomi: なして。
Marky: This means
Nozomi: なんで、なぜ。
Marky: This means why.
Nozomi: Yes.
Marky: Can you give us the sentence from the lesson?
Nozomi: なしてそったにまいね。
Marky: In standard Japanese, this would be
Nozomi: どうしてそんなにいけないの?
Marky: In our first Aomori-Ben lesson, we had こった which is こんな in standard Japanese right?
Nozomi: はい。
Marky: Now we have
Nozomi: そった
Marky: Which is
Nozomi: そんな
Marky: The last word in the sentence is まいね
Nozomi: はい。いけない、だめ。
Marky: Like a really strong no.
Nozomi: はい。
Marky: And we will talk more about this in the grammar write up in the PDF. So be sure to check that out. Our next word is
Nozomi: めぐせ
Marky: And in the lesson, this appears as
Nozomi: めぐせべよ。
Marky: How would you explain めぐせ
Nozomi: めぐせ means はずかしい。
Marky: Okay our next word is
Nozomi: かっちゃ
Marky: And we saw this in the last lesson. This means
Nozomi: お母さん、Mother
Marky: Next is
Nozomi: どせば
Marky: And this means
Nozomi: どうすれば、どうすればいい?
Marky: And how would you translate that?
Nozomi: What should I do?
Marky: Is this the same as どすべ and どしよ
Nozomi: Yes basically.
Marky: Okay our next phrase is
Nozomi: 投げてまえば。
Marky: And in standard Japanese
Nozomi: 捨ててしまえば。
Marky: And how would you translate this?
Nozomi: Why don’t you throw it away?
Marky: Yes why don’t you throw it away? And again, in the PDF, we will have a detailed write up about that grammar point. We are running out of time, so I recommend that you check out the PDF. And in there, we will have a detailed write up about the grammar points and also I will try to include a few pictures of Hirosaki to give the listeners some ideas about Aomori. So またね。


Nozomi: Bye bye.


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