
Vocabulary (Review)

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Sakura: おはよう、博多。さくらです。(Ohayō, Hakata. Sakura desu.)
Kazunori: おはよう、博多。カズノリです。(Ohayō, Hakata. Kazunori desu.)
Peter: Peter here and we are back with another lesson. Okay, back with us again is Kazunori.
Sakura: Yes.
Peter: It is great to have you here. What a week, twice in one week.
Sakura: Hmm.
Peter: Ah it’s been a while. 今日、元気ですか。(Kyō, genki desu ka.)
Kazunori: 今日はもう、超元気です。(Kyō wa mō, chō genki desu.)
Peter: Oh! その調子。(Sono chōshi.)
Kazunori: はい。さくらは元気ですか。(Hai. Sakura wa genki desu ka.)
Sakura: すっごく元気ですよ。ピーターは?(Suggoku genki desu yo. Pītā wa?)
Peter: 相変わらず元気ですよ。(Aikawarazu genki desu yo.) Okay, again we have another great dialogue for you and the reason is Kazunori is here. When Kazunori is here, it is guaranteed to be a great dialogue. Okay, without further adieu, let’s get into today’s conversation. Here we go.
ピーター (Pītā) : 日本の美術館は初めてです。(Nihon no bijutsukan wa hajimete desu.)
一徳 (Kazunori) : 私も!日本人ですけど、今日が初めてです。(Watashi mo! Nihon-jin desu kedo, kyō ga hajimete desu.)
さくら (Sakura) : 今日は、クロード・モネの展覧会です!有名な作品がいっぱいあります。(Kyō wa, Kurōdo Mone no tenrankai desu! Yūmei na sakuhin ga ippai arimasu.)
受付 (Uketsuke) : どうぞ、お入りください。(Dōzo, o-hairi kudasai.)
さくら (Sakura) : ここです。これ、これ。この絵は素晴らしいです!黄色と白と緑のコントラストが素晴らしいです。(Koko desu. Kore, kore. Kono e wa subarashii desu! Kiiro to shiro to midori no kontorasuto ga subarashii desu.)
一徳 (Kazunori) : そうですね。きれいで素敵で、とても好きです。(Sō desu ne. Kirei de suteki de, totemo suki desu.)
さくら (Sakura) : この絵は私の一番好きな作品です!(Kono e wa watashi no ichi-ban suki na sakuhin desu!)
ピーター (Pītā) : まあ、悪くないです。(Mā, warukunai desu.)
さくら (Sakura) : やっぱり、ピーターはセンスがありません。(Yappari, Pītā wa sensu ga arimasen.)
Peter: Two days in a row! Sakura, やっぱり (yappari), everybody loves Sakura. もう一度お願いします。ゆっくりお願いします。(Mō ichi-do onegai shimasu. Yukkuri onegai shimasu.)
ピーター (Pītā) : 日本の美術館は初めてです。(Nihon no bijutsukan wa hajimete desu.)
一徳 (Kazunori) : 私も!日本人ですけど、今日が初めてです。(Watashi mo! Nihon-jin desu kedo, kyō ga hajimete desu.)
さくら (Sakura) : 今日は、クロード・モネの展覧会です!有名な作品がいっぱいあります。(Kyō wa, Kurōdo Mone no tenrankai desu! Yūmei na sakuhin ga ippai arimasu.)
受付 (Uketsuke) : どうぞ、お入りください。(Dōzo, o-hairi kudasai.)
さくら (Sakura) : ここです。これ、これ。この絵は素晴らしいです!黄色と白と緑のコントラストが素晴らしいです。(Koko desu. Kore, kore. Kono e wa subarashii desu! Kiiro to shiro to midori no kontorasuto ga subarashii desu.)
一徳 (Kazunori) : そうですね。きれいで素敵で、とても好きです。(Sō desu ne. Kirei de suteki de, totemo suki desu.)
さくら (Sakura) : この絵は私の一番好きな作品です!(Kono e wa watashi no ichi-ban suki na sakuhin desu!)
ピーター (Pītā) : まあ、悪くないです。(Mā, warukunai desu.)
さくら (Sakura) : やっぱり、ピーターはセンスがありません。(Yappari, Pītā wa sensu ga arimasen.)
Peter: Okay! Sakura and Kazunori will give you the Japanese, and I’ll give you the English. Here we go!
ピーター (Pītā) : 日本の美術館は初めてです。(Nihon no bijutsukan wa hajimete desu.)
PETER: This is my first time at a Japanese art museum.
一徳 (Kazunori) : 私も!日本人ですけど、今日が初めてです。(Watashi mo! Nihon-jin desu kedo, kyō ga hajimete desu.)
KAZUNORI: Me, too! I’m Japanese, but today is my first time.
さくら (Sakura) : 今日は、クロード・モネの展覧会です!(Kyō wa, Kurōdo Mone no tenrankai desu!)
SAKURA: Today is Claude Monet’s exhibition!
さくら (Sakura) : 有名な作品がいっぱいあります。(Yūmei na sakuhin ga ippai arimasu.)
SAKURA: There are many famous works.
受付 (Uketsuke): どうぞ、お入りください。(Dōzo, o-hairi kudasai.)
RECEPTIONIST: You may enter.
さくら (Sakura) : ここです。これ、これ。(Koko desu. Kore, kore.)
SAKURA: Here. This, this.
さくら (Sakura) : この絵は素晴らしいです!(Kono e wa subarashii desu!)
SAKURA: This painting is fantastic!
さくら (Sakura) : 黄色と白と緑のコントラストが素晴らしいです。(Kiiro to shiro to midori no kontorasuto ga subarashii desu.)
SAKURA: The yellow and white and green contrast is breathtaking.
一徳 (Kazunori) : そうですね。(Sō desu ne.)
KAZUNORI: That’s right.
一徳 (Kazunori) : きれいで素敵で、とても好きです。(Kirei de suteki de, totemo suki desu.)
KAZUNORI: It’s beautiful, gorgeous, and I really like it.
さくら (Sakura) : この絵は私の一番好きな作品です!(Kono e wa watashi no ichi-ban suki na sakuhin desu!)
SAKURA: This painting is my favorite work!
ピーター (Pītā) : まあ、悪くないです。(Mā, warukunai desu.)
PETER: Well, it’s not bad.
さくら (Sakura) : やっぱり、ピーターはセンスがありません。(Yappari, Pītā wa sensu ga arimasen.)
SAKURA: Just as we thought. Peter has no sense.
Peter: Yes, oh man! I can’t believe this. Monet is actually one of my favorite artists. Sakura, what did you do! Ah Sakura, one day revenge will be mine. Let’s get into today’s vocabulary. Sakura, first word please.
Sakura: 初めて (hajimete)
Peter: And this is
Sakura: First time.
Peter: First time. Break this down.
Sakura: (slow)はじめて (hajimete)
Peter: And one time fast.
Sakura: 初めて (hajimete)
Peter: Now what did we say in the sentence?
Sakura: 日本の美術館は初めてです。(Nihon no bijutsukan wa hajimete desu.)
Peter: Yes. ゆっくりお願いします。(Yukkuri onegai shimasu.)
Sakura: 日本の美術館は初めてです。(Nihon no bijutsukan wa hajimete desu.)
Peter: Okay, now this is a very popular structure. This something, something は初めてです (wa hajimete desu). This is my first time something, something. It can easily be turned into a question. Something, something は初めてですか (wa hajimete desu ka). Is this your first time something and then in front of the は (wa), we can ask many different things. So if you come to Japan, you will often hear.
Sakura: 日本は初めてですか。(Nihon wa hajimete desu ka.)
Peter: Is this your first time in Japan? Again Japanese as a language is very flexible. So it works out that you can use this structure to ask about the first time for many things.
Sakura: Yes.
Peter: It’s kind of assumed whatever you put in front of the は (wa), is it your first time.
Sakura: Umm, right.
Peter: Okay, so for now, this is a nice simple structure to ask first time for something. For example, if you are going to eat Sushi, someone might ask
Sakura: 寿司は初めてですか。(Sushi wa hajimete desu ka.)
Peter: Is this your first time for Sushi? Now Sakura, we got a question. How do we answer these?
Sakura: はい、初めてです。(Hai, hajimete desu.)
Peter: Or
Sakura: いいえ、初めてではありません。(Iie, hajimete de wa arimasen.)
Peter: Uh that sounds familiar.
Sakura: Umm we did that.
Peter: When?
Sakura: Yesterday.
Peter: Yesterday. So there it is, something は初めてですか (wa hajimete desu ka). And then the answer is
Sakura: はい、初めてです。(Hai, hajimete desu.)
Peter: Or
Sakura: いいえ、初めてではありません。(Iie, hajimete de wa arimasen.)
Peter: Yes, so let’s try the sushi example. Sakura, please give me a sushi example.
Sakura: 寿司は初めてですか。(Sushi wa hajimete desu ka.)
Peter: いいえ、初めてではありません。私は寿司が大好きです。(Iie, hajimete de wa arimasen. Watashi wa sushi ga daisuki desu.)
Sakura: Umm…
Peter: Okay, and there is how the conversation can get started a bit.
Sakura: Yes.
Peter: Okay, next we have.
Sakura: 作品 (sakuhin)
Peter: Okay, and this is…
Sakura: Work.
Peter: And remember we had this last week.
Sakura: Yes, artistic work.
Peter: Yes…
Sakura: Or…
Peter: And films fall under this because it is an artistic work.
Sakura: Umm that’s right.
Peter: Okay, so just break it down for good measure.
Sakura: (slow)さくひん (sakuhin)
Peter: And one time fast.
Sakura: 作品 (sakuhin)
Peter: Yes, work. Okay, uhh here we go. Next one.
Sakura: 美術館 (bijutsukan)
Peter: Okay, break it down.
Sakura: (slow)びじゅつかん (bijutsukan)
Peter: And one time fast.
Sakura: 美術館 (bijutsukan)
Peter: Okay, and this is
Sakura: Art gallery or art museum.
Peter: Yes, and now we can take a look at the characters in this word to see how Japanese interpret art. Okay Sakura, so what are the three characters that make up this word?
Sakura: Beautiful.
Peter: Yes, the first character is beautiful. The second one…
Sakura: Art.
Peter: Art.
Sakura: And building.
Peter: Yeah, beautiful art building.
Sakura: Yes, and beautiful and art together which is 美術 (bijutsu), that’s art as well.
Peter: Okay, very nice. So this is how art is interpreted. Next we have
Sakura: クロードモネ (Kurōdo Mone)
Peter: Okay, and this is.
Sakura: Monet.
Peter: Yes, Claude Monet, okay.
Sakura: クロードモネ (Kurōdo Mone)
Peter: Break it down.
Sakura: (slow)くろーどもね (Kurōdo Mone)
Peter: And one time fast.
Sakura: クロードモネ (Kurōdo Mone)
Peter: And Monet by itself is enough to get through. Right, Sakura?
Sakura: Yes, yes.
Peter: Okay, next we have.
Sakura: 展覧会 (tenrankai)
Peter: Okay, break it down.
Sakura: (slow)てんらんかい (tenrankai)
Peter: And one time fast.
Sakura: 展覧会 (tenrankai)
Peter: And what’s this?
Sakura: It's an exhibition.
Peter: Yes, exhibition. And this again is another term associated with art.
Sakura: Yes.
Peter: Often. We can say picture exhibition, right?
Sakura: はい。(Hai.)
Peter: How do we say that?
Sakura: 写真の展覧会 (shashin no tenrankai)
Peter: Okay, and break it down.
Sakura: (slow)しゃしんのてんらんかい (shashin no tenrankai)
Peter: And this is a picture exhibition. Next we have
Sakura: 有名 (yūmei)
Peter: Okay, 有名 (yūmei) and this is
Sakura: Famous.
Peter: Yes, now again, if we’d look at the dialogue, this is a
Sakura: na-adjective.
Peter: Yes, and the reason is, if we look close, this ends in ‘ei’, 有名 (yūmei), so therefore just like きれい (kirei), this is a na-adjective and this is a very, very, very well known one. Okay, next we have.
Sakura: いっぱい (ippai)
Peter: Yes, this is
Sakura: Lots.
Peter: Lots and break it down.
Sakura: (slow)いっぱい (ippai)
Peter: And one time fast.
Sakura: いっぱい (ippai)
Peter: Yes, a lot. Next we have
Sakura: 絵 (e)
Peter: What was that?
Sakura: 絵 (e)
Peter: And this is
Sakura: It's a picture.
Peter: Picture.
Sakura: Or painting.
Peter: Yes, I think painting is better because a picture might be confused with a snapshot.
Sakura: Right.
Peter: And while this is painting…
Sakura: Or drawing like with crayon, you say 絵 (e)
Peter: Sakura, we are talking about モネ (Mone) here.
Sakura: Oh, okay.
Peter: And you are throwing Crayons.
Sakura: Right.
Peter: Yes, so this is painting. Okay, and as Sakura said, drawing too. Okay, next we have
Sakura: 素晴らしい (subarashii)
Peter: 素晴らしい (subarashii) One more time.
Sakura: 素晴らしい (subarashii)
Peter: And this is
Sakura: Wonderful.
Peter: Wonderful, fantastic, great, marvelous. All of these things in one.
Sakura: Hmm.
Peter: Ah great word. Okay, break it down.
Sakura: (slow)すばらしい (subarashii)
Peter: And one time fast.
Sakura: 素晴らしい (subarashii)
Peter: Next we have
Sakura: 一番好き (ichi-ban suki)
Peter: Okay. Break it down.
Sakura: (slow)いちばんすき (ichi-ban suki)
Peter: And one time fast.
Sakura: 一番好き (ichi-ban suki)
Peter: And what’s this?
Sakura: Like the best.
Peter: Yes, like the best. Now let’s take a look at these characters. What’s the first word?
Sakura: 一番 (ichi-ban)
Peter: And this is
Sakura: Number one.
Peter: Number one. Then we have
Sakura: 好き (suki)
Peter: Which is
Sakura: Like.
Peter: Okay, so we have number one, the best plus like…
Sakura: Like.
Peter: So it works out to
Sakura: Like it best, like the best.
Peter: Like it the best. Now remember what we showed you yesterday, what is 好き (suki)?
Sakura: na-adjective.
Peter: Yes, na-adjective. So we can take this whole phrase which is
Sakura: 一番好き (ichi-ban suki)
Peter: Add
Sakura: な (na)
Peter: And then we can add it to a noun.
Sakura: Right.
Peter: Right. So in the dialogue, we had
Sakura: 一番好きな作品です (ichi-ban suki na sakuhin desu)
Peter: Now again, we are going to give you an example of how we can pull this all together into regular conversation.
Sakura: 寿司は初めてですか。(Sushi wa hajimete desu ka.)
Peter: いいえ、初めてではありません。私は寿司が大好きです。一番好きな寿司はまぐろです。(Iie, hajimete de wa arimasen. Watashi wa sushi ga daisuki desu. Ichi-ban suki na sushi wa maguro desu.) Now Sakura, can you run that conversation back while I translate it?
Sakura: 寿司は初めてですか。(Sushi wa hajimete desu ka.)
Peter: Is this your first time for Sushi?
Sakura: いいえ、初めてではありません。(Iie, hajimete de wa arimasen.)
Peter: No it’s not my first time.
Sakura: 私は寿司が大好きです。(Watashi wa sushi ga daisuki desu.)
Peter: I love Sushi.
Sakura: 一番好きな寿司はまぐろです。(Ichi-ban suki na sushi wa maguro desu.)
Peter: My favorite Sushi is マグロ (maguro), which is Tuna. Okay, now we can work on getting all your thoughts out into Japanese. So, no it’s not my first time. Then I love it. Then my favorite is something, something. This helps the conversation flow so nicely. Rather than just giving one word answers and it’s things like this that keep the conversation going.
Sakura: Right.
Peter: Let’s ask Sakura. 一番好きな寿司は何ですか。(Ichi-ban suki na sushi wa nan desu ka.)
Sakura: 一番好きな寿司はイカです。(Ichi-ban suki na sushi wa ika desu.)
Peter: Okay. Sakura’s favorite sushi is Squid.
Sakura: Yes.
Peter: This can really add something to your conversation. Really kind of take it to the next step.
Sakura: Yes.
Peter: Because in a natural conversation, the natural flow is do you like this? Oh what’s your favorite? You know you want to know for future reference, maybe you are planning something. You want to know these things.

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Peter: Okay, now let’s get into the last point we want to make today which is
Sakura: いっぱいあります (ippai arimasu)
Peter: Yes, or
Sakura: いっぱいいます (ippai imasu)
Peter: いっぱい (ippai) means full or many. So we can also say おなかいっぱい (onaka ippai), I am full. What was the example in the dialogue?
Sakura: 有名な作品がいっぱいあります。(Yūmei na sakuhin ga ippai arimasu.)
Peter: There are a lot of famous works. Okay, now I take the train every morning and there are so many people. How can I say “many people”?
Sakura: 人がいっぱいいます。(Hito ga ippai imasu.)
Peter: もう一度お願いします。(Mō ichi-do onegai shimasu.)
Sakura: 人がいっぱいいます。(Hito ga ippai imasu.)
Peter: Okay, so we remember for the 作品 (sakuhin) the work, it’s inanimate. So we use あります (arimasu).
Sakura: Right.
Peter: And the いっぱい (ippai) goes in front of あります (arimasu). Now for people, we use
Sakura: います (imasu)
Peter: Yes, and the いっぱい (ippai) goes in front. So we have
Sakura: いっぱいいます (ippai imasu)
Peter: Yes, 人が (hito ga), people
Sakura: いっぱいいます (ippai imasu)
Peter: Many people. Okay.
Sakura: And いっぱい (ippai) is a bit informal but it expresses like, you know, many like いっぱい (ippai)
Peter: Yes, the informal and how would we say it formally?
Sakura: たくさんいます (takusan imasu) or たくさんあります (takusan arimasu)
Peter: Okay, can you break this word down?
Sakura: (slow)たくさん (takusan)
Peter: And one time fast.
Sakura: たくさん (takusan)
Peter: Okay, so there it is folks. Wow, the three days we rested you up Saturday, Sunday and Monday and then on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday wooh!
Sakura: Right.
Peter: Okay, now again, any questions, anything you want to know, please come by japanesepod101.com. Sakura is here. よろしくお願いします、さくら。(Yoroshiku onegai shimasu, Sakura.)
Sakura: ピーター、よろしくお願いします。(Pītā, yoroshiku onegai shimasu.)


Peter: Okay. So that’s going to wrap it up for today.
Sakura: また明日ね。(Mata ashita ne.)
Peter: See you tomorrow.


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