At my Kanji by Grade pages at I have been using the following font-family (in Curl - this is the CSS equiv.)
font-family: "HanaMinA", "Meiryo UI", "Meiryo", "Lucida Sans Unicode", "Arial Unicode MS", unifont, meiryo, sans-serif;
I recently moved to Win 7,so I now know the meiryo option - the GNU unifont should help some linux users of Firefox browser - but what would others (especially Mac Book) like to see ?
If you have a favourite free font for kanji, please let me know.
UPDATE I am trying to get all my app's and pages to use the following as font-family ( Curl applet option and CSS attr.)
font-family="HanaMinA, Kochi Mincho, Hiragino Mincho Pro, Meiryo, SunSim,
Liberation Serif, DejaVu Serif, Arial Unicode MS, serif"
font-family:"HanaMinA", "Kochi Mincho", "Hiragino Mincho Pro", "Meiryo", "SunSim",
"Liberation Serif", "DejaVu Serif", "Arial Unicode MS", serif;
HanaMinA - my preferred free Hanazono font (but, I have to load it at runtime for a Curl linux box page or app, which is SLOW.)
Kochi Mincho - should be on an Ubuntu box ?
Hiragino Mincho Pro - should be on a Mac displaying Japanese ?
Meiryo - should be on Windows 7 Home
SunSim - should be on Windows XP and perhaps earlier ( and some others ?)
DejaVu Serif - a likely Ubuntu default ?
Arial Unicode MS - a Win XP Unicode default ?
Entering characters in some particular CJK codepage under linux/unix is a whole app topic in itself ... readline if you will not "read my lips : no new codepages !"