Hello everyone. 皆さま、こんにちは。
元気ですか。How are you? 僕は元気です。I am good. Today I learned about listing multiple verbs using the て form and, again wanted to run it by everyone to see if I am right.
明日十一時に日本語で話して漢字を書いてお茶を飲んで日本の音楽を聞く。 Tomorrow at 11 I will speak in Japanese, write kanji, drink tea, and listen to Japanese music.
母は昼ご飯をt作ってケーキを焼いたことのに疲れた。 My Mom made lunch and baked a cake, therefore she is tired.
家を出る前電気を消す。Before I will leave the house I turn off the lights.
僕は小説を読んで書いた後今練る。After reading the novel and writing now I will sleep.
図書館に行ってから仕事に帰った。I came to work after going to the library.
今夜日本のお茶を作りながら勉強します。Tonight I am making tea, and studying.
Thank you very much everyone. Also how do you say "Hello from America." I think it is アメリカからこんにちは。 , but I am not sure.
よろしくお願いします。Thanks in advance. じゃ、また。 Later.