Students, tutors or teachers:
If you have a request for a view of Kanjidic2, EDICT2, or JMDict dictionary entries as an HTML web page, a file or even as a Curl desktop or web app, let me know here or via
My next phase will be to remove all duplicate, archaic and obscure entries from all three on-line dictionary resources.
JMDict/EDICT2 contains a huge number of near duplicate entries as you can see by doing a FIND on "cherry blossom" at my web page for EDICT2 so it is no surprise to me that it exceeds 160,000 entries.
I will aim for versions of Kanjidic2 and JMDict running at 2000, 3000, 5000 and 7000 entries which can be done by using string-oriented programming languages for AI such as ICON, UNICON, Object Icon and with PROLOG + Logtalk.
At the moment I am using Anki for FlashCards but I may use a JSON format for 3D Curl graphics instead.