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You’ve always wanted to learn and master Japanese, right?
Well, learning Hiragana is the best place to start.

Over the next 7 days, you’re going to learn Hiragana fast! Don’t worry; we’ll guide you through everything.

Here is how it all works.

For the next 7 days, you’ll get a daily email with your video lessons teaching how to write the characters… until you master all 46 of them!


Just open the emails

Access and play the lessons

Write out the characters.
(How? See below)
That’s it!

Just open the emails

Access and play the lessons

Write out the characters.
(How? See below)
That’s it!
Here’s a Bonus!

To get you ready to write, you get a printable Hiragana worksheet when you sign up for this course. Download it for free, print it, and use it daily.

Down load the worksheet

What You Need to Know About Hiragana
Hiragana is one of the 3 Japanese writing systems: Hiragana, Katakana (both of which are called “Kana”) and Kanji.

There are 46 characters in total and this is where every Japanese learner starts their Japanese journey.

Schools and language classes spend about a week on mastering the Kana.

You can do the same with us for free.

That’s where our 7-Day Hiragana course comes in.

You’ll be able to read and write Hiragana (basic Japanese) in just 7 days. And once you master Hiragana, you’ll master Katakana even faster.

Yes, you can learn faster and access our video lessons instead of waiting for our next e-mail.

To your fluency,
Team JapanesePod101
Learn Japanese in the fastest, easiest and most fun way!
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