Vocabulary (Review)

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Hi, everyone! My name is Alisha.
皆さん、こんにちは。Alisha です。 (Mina-san, kon'nichiwa. Alisha desu.)
Welcome to another Japanese Whiteboard Lesson!
In this lesson, you'll learn some vocabulary words we use to indicate common weather conditions.
Let's get started!
Okay, let's start by looking at the key vocabulary for this lesson.
Let's take a look at this list of vocabulary words, we'll go one by one.
The first expression is...
つよいかぜ (tsuyoi kaze) 
which means "strong wind"
つよいかぜ (tsuyoi kaze) 
つよい (tsuyoi) means "strong" and かぜ (kaze) means "wind."
つよいかぜ (tsuyoi kaze) "strong wind"
Next is...
あめ (ame) 
This means "rainy"
あめ (ame)
はれ (hare)
Which means "clear weather"
はれ (hare)
Next is...
ゆき (yuki)
Which means "snowy" or "snow"
ゆき (yuki)
Which means "cloudy"
Which means "typhoon"
Don't forget this う(u) sound at the end.
たいふう(taifū) "typhoon"
Next is...
さむい (samui)
Which means "cold"
さむい (samui)
あつい (atsui)
Which means "hot"
あつい (atsui) "hot"
むしあつい (mushiatsui)
Which means "humid" or "muggy"
むしあつい (mushiatsui)
Next is...
すずしい (suzushii)
Which means "cool"
すずしい (suzushii)
Don't forget the last い(i) sound here.
すずしい (suzushii)
すずしい (suzushii) "cool"
And finaly, we have...
あたたかい (atatakai)
Which means "warm"
Great! With these expressions in mind, let's take a look at the dialogue that uses some of these vocabulary words.
Ok, now let's take a look at the dialogue for this lesson.
This dialogue is a sample dialogue between a real person and a virtual assistant.
In this dialogue, the virtual assisitant's name is Prills, or in Japanese, プリル (Puriru). Let's take a look.
First, the human says,
プリル、きょうの てんきは?
(Puriru, kyō no tenki wa?)
Which means "Prills, how's the weather today?"
プリル、きょうの てんきは?
(Puriru, kyō no tenki wa?)
And the response.
ごぜんは ゆきです。ごごは あめです。
(Go zen wa yukidesu. Go go wa amedesu.)
Which means "Snowy in the morning. Rainy in the afternoon."
Let's take a look at some more example sentences and break down what's happening.
Ok, let's break down what's happening with some more example sentences.
Let's take a look at this first example sentence. Here, you can see the expression begins with
ごぜんは くもりです。(Gozen wa kumori desu.)
In this part, we have くもり (kumori) in red.
The following expression is ごごは はれです。(Gogo wa hare desu.)
In this part of the expression, we have はれ (hare) in red.
So as you can see in these examples and these examples, the weather expression is in red.
In the dialogue, we saw ゆき (yuki,) "snow," and あめ (ame), "rain."
In this example sentence, we have くもり (kumori), "cloudy," and はれ (hare), "clear weather."
So the weather expressions are dropped in in this manner.
The beginning of each expression tells us the time of day.
ごぜんは (gozen wa) means "in the morning"; ごごは (gogo wa) "in the afternoon."
We end the expression with です (desu), so roughly "is" or "it will be" in the case of weather report.
So ごぜんは くもりです (Gozen wa kumori desu) translates to "Cloudy in the morning."
ごごは はれです(Gogo wa hare desu) translates to "Clear weather in the afternoon."
In this case, because it's like we're talking to a virtual assistant, we have kind of these clip sentences.
These です (desu) could be understood as "it will be" or "it is clear weather this afternoon" but because we understand from context, we don't really need to translate it directly into "it will be clear" or "it will be cloudy" and so on.
Let's take a look at this with one more example sentence.
ごぜんは つよいかぜです。ごごは はれです。(Gozen wa tsuyoi kaze desu. Gogo wa hare desu.)
So this means "Strong wind in the morning. Clear weather in the afternoon."
Again, we have this ごぜんは (gozen wa) meaning "in the morning"; つよいかぜです (tsuyoi kaze desu) "strong wind."
So, "there will be strong wind" or "there is strong wind" in the morning.
The followup, ごごは はれです (Gogo wa hare desu) means "in the afternoon, clear weather." or "there will be clear weather in the afternoon."
So in each of these example sentences, we have the same pattern.
In the morning, weather. In the afternoon, weather.
Next, let's take a look at the basic pattern that you can use to create your own weather expressions.
Alright, let's take a look at the basic pattern for this lesson.
The first line in the basic pattern is...
ごぜんは [weather expression] です。
(Go zen wa [weather expression] desu.)
The next line is...
ごごは [weather expression] です。
(Go go wa [weather expression] desu.)
This means "[weather expression] in the morning."
"[weather expression] in the afternoon."
So just keep in mind that ごぜんは (gozen wa) means "in the morning" and ごごは (gogo wa) "in the afternoon."
You can choose the weather expression to use in each of these positions, so try taking some words from the vocabulary list that we looked at earlier and create your own sentences to describe the weather in the morning and in the afternoon.

