
Vocabulary (Review)

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Yoshi: おはよう、ダブリン。ヨシです。(Ohayō, Daburin. Yoshi desu.)
Takase: おはよう、ダブリン。タカセです。(Ohayō, Daburin. Takase desu.)
Peter: Peter here. Beginner lesson #52. Joining us in the studio for the first time ever is
Yoshi: Yoshi.
Peter: Yoshi. And here with us never leaving the studio is
Takase: タカセです。(Takase desu.)
Peter: How do you like it here, Takase?
Takase: I like to be here. We love to be here.
Peter: Okay, so what we are going to do now is have Yoshi introduce himself. Here we go.
Yoshi: Hi everyone. It’s an honor to be here.
Peter: Oh, all right. Now you did – now you are overplaying Yoshi, come on!
Yoshi: I am originally from Nagasaki.
Takase: え、長崎出身ですか。(E, Nagasaki shusshin desu ka.)
Yoshi: はい。(Hai.)
Takase: 私も長崎出身です。(Watashi mo Nagasaki shusshin desu.)
Yoshi: Ah…
Peter: What’s going on?
Yoshi: すごいですね。(Sugoi desu ne.)
Peter: What just happened, Yoshi?
Yoshi: We are both from Nagasaki.
Peter: Nagasaki connection.
Takase: This is my first time I met someone from Nagasaki in Tokyo.
Peter: All right. Lucky day for you, Takase.
Takase: Yes, I am very happy.
Yoshi: I am happy, too.
Peter: So sweet. Okay, well we get the Nagasaki connection. So everybody, maybe you guys can teach us a little bit of 長崎弁 (Nagasakiben) later.
Yoshi: That will be fun.
Takase: Yes.
Peter: Oh yeah. Takase is ready to go today. Okay, so without further adieu, let’s get into today’s lesson. Here we go.
よし (Yoshi) : 今日は雨です。雷が聞こえます。今日の試合は中止ですから、どうしましょうか。(Kyō wa ame desu. Kaminari ga kikoemasu. Kyō no shiai wa chūshi desu kara, dō shimashō ka.)
ピーター (Pītā) : そうですね。高瀬、どうしますか。(Sō desu ne. Takase, dō shimasu ka.)
高瀬 (Takase) : 雨の日は映画を見ます。今日は映画を見ましょう!(Ame no hi wa eiga o mimasu. Kyō wa eiga o mimashō!)
ピーター (Pītā) : いいですね。(Ii desu ne.)
よし (Yoshi) : 三人で映画を見ますか。寂しいです。高瀬さん、かわいい友達はいませんか。(San-nin de eiga o mimasu ka. Samishii desu. Takase-san, kawaii tomodachi wa imasen ka.)
高瀬 (Takase) : いますよ!かわいい友達がいっぱいいますよ。一人呼びましょうか。(Imasu yo! Kawaii tomodachi ga ippai imasu yo. Hitori yobimashō ka.)
よし (Yoshi) : じゃ、四人で映画を見ましょう!(Ja, yo-nin de eiga o mimashō!)
高瀬 (Takase) : いいですよ。今、友達に電話します。(Ii desu yo. Ima, tomodachi ni denwa shimasu.)
Peter: Okay, one more time, slowly. もう一度お願いします。ゆっくりお願いします。(Mō ichi-do onegai shimasu. Yukkuri onegai shimasu.)
よし (Yoshi) : 今日は雨です。雷が聞こえます。今日の試合は中止ですから、どうしましょうか。(Kyō wa ame desu. Kaminari ga kikoemasu. Kyō no shiai wa chūshi desu kara, dō shimashō ka.)
ピーター (Pītā) : そうですね。高瀬、どうしますか。(Sō desu ne. Takase, dō shimasu ka.)
高瀬 (Takase) : 雨の日は映画を見ます。今日は映画を見ましょう!(Ame no hi wa eiga o mimasu. Kyō wa eiga o mimashō!)
ピーター (Pītā) : いいですね。(Ii desu ne.)
よし (Yoshi) : 三人で映画を見ますか。寂しいです。高瀬さん、かわいい友達はいませんか。(San-nin de eiga o mimasu ka. Samishii desu. Takase-san, kawaii tomodachi wa imasen ka.)
高瀬 (Takase) : いますよ!かわいい友達がいっぱいいますよ。一人呼びましょうか。(Imasu yo! Kawaii tomodachi ga ippai imasu yo. Hitori yobimashō ka.)
よし (Yoshi) : じゃ、四人で映画を見ましょう!(Ja, yo-nin de eiga o mimashō!)
高瀬 (Takase) : いいですよ。今、友達に電話します。(Ii desu yo. Ima, tomodachi ni denwa shimasu.)
Peter:  Okay, you know the drill. This time Yoshi and Takase will give you the Japanese and I will give you the translation. Here we go. 
よし (Yoshi) : 今日は雨です。(Kyō wa ame desu.)
YOSHI: Today, it’s raining.
よし (Yoshi) : 雷が聞こえます。(Kaminari ga kikoemasu.)
YOSHI: I can hear thunder.
よし (Yoshi) : 今日の試合は中止ですから、どうしましょうか。(Kyō no shiai wa chūshi desu kara, dō shimashō ka.)
YOSHI: Because today’s game is canceled, what shall we do?
ピーター (Pītā) : そうですね。高瀬、どうしますか。(Sō desu ne. Takase, dō shimasu ka.)
PETER: That’s right. Takase, what will we do?
高瀬 (Takase) : 雨の日は映画を見ます。(Ame no hi wa eiga o mimasu.)
TAKASE: On rainy days, I watch movies.
高瀬 (Takase) : 今日は映画を見ましょう!(Kyō wa eiga o mimashō!)
TAKASE: Let’s watch a movie today!
ピーター (Pītā) : いいですね。(Ii desu ne.)
PETER: Sounds good.
よし (Yoshi) : 三人で映画を見ますか。(San-nin de eiga o mimasu ka.)
YOSHI: Three of us will watch a movie?
よし (Yoshi) : 寂しいです。(Samishii desu.)
YOSHI: Lonely.
よし (Yoshi) : 高瀬さん、かわいい友達はいませんか。(Takase-san, kawaii tomodachi wa imasen ka.)
YOSHI: Takase, do you have any cute friends?
高瀬 (Takase) : いますよ!(Imasu yo!)
TAKASE: I have!
高瀬 (Takase) : かわいい友達がいっぱいいますよ。(Kawaii tomodachi ga ippai imasu yo.
TAKASE: I have a lot of cute friends.
高瀬 (Takase) : 一人呼びましょうか。(Hitori yobimashō ka.)
TAKASE: Let’s call one.
よし (Yoshi) : じゃ、四人で映画を見ましょう!(Ja, yo-nin de eiga o mimashō!)
YOSHI: Let’s watch a movie, the four of us!
高瀬 (Takase) : いいですよ。(Ii desu yo.)
高瀬 (Takase) : 今、友達に電話します。(Ima, tomodachi ni denwa shimasu.)
TAKASE: I’ll call my friend now.
Peter: Takase, just one. We should have made it 3 or 4.
Takase: No, just 1.
Peter: Takase, don’t be so selfish.
Takase: The next time you have two かわいい (kawaii) girls.
Peter: Now that’s why Takase is the best. Takase, you rock. What do you think, Yoshi? She is so nice, right?
Yoshi: Ah yeah, very nice.
Takase: Yeah, yeah.
Peter: Okay, so what we are going to do now is get into the vocabulary. Takase, what’s the first word?
Takase: 雨 (ame)
Peter: Rain.
Takase: (slow)あめ (ame) (natural speed)雨 (ame)
Peter: And Takase, how did we use this in the dialogue?
Takase: 今日は雨です。(Kyō wa ame desu.)
Peter: Today it’s raining. タカセ、雨の日が好きですか。(Takase, ame no hi ga suki desu ka.)
Takase: 大嫌いです。(Daikirai desu.)
Peter: Oh yeah. Wow! Takase rocks. Okay, next word we have.
Yoshi: 雷 (kaminari)
Peter: Thunder.
Yoshi: (slow)かみなり (kaminari) (natural speed)雷 (kaminari)
Peter: Now what’s the word for lightning? This is just the word for thunder, right?
Yoshi: I think it’s for both thunder and lightning together.
Peter: But there is also one word for lightning which is
Yoshi: 稲妻 (inazuma)
Peter: Break it down.
Yoshi: (slow)いなづま (inazuma)
Peter: And one time fast.
Yoshi: 稲妻 (inazuma)
Peter: Yeah, so thunder is 雷 (kaminari) but the Japanese seem to use it interchangeably, right?
Yoshi: Lightning could be 稲光 (inabikari).
Peter: Yoshi, let’s ask Takase.
Yoshi: タカセさん、雷が怖いですか。(Takase-san, kaminari ga kowai desu ka.)
Takase: 全然怖くないです。大好きです。(Zenzen kowakunai desu. Daisuki desu.)
Peter: Okay, let’s get that one more time. We will give you the translation.
Yoshi: 雷が怖いですか。(Kaminari ga kowai desu ka.)
Peter: Are you scared of thunder and lightning?
Takase: 全然怖くないです。(Zenzen kowakunai desu.)
Peter: Not scared at all.
Takase: 大好きです。(Daisuki desu.)
Peter: I love it. Takase, you rock.
Takase: ありがとうございます。(Arigatō gozaimasu.)
Peter: You are very welcome. Congratulations, you just got a permanent position on the show.
Takase: No, thank you.
Peter: Okay. Next word.
Takase: 聞こえる (kikoeru)
Peter: To hear.
Takase: (slow)きこえる (kikoeru) (natural speed)聞こえる (kikoeru)
Peter: And what we hear is usually marked by は (wa) or が (ga). So something you hear. For example, in the dialogue, we had
Takase: 雷が聞こえます。(Kaminari ga kikoemasu.)
Peter: I can hear thunder. How about the bell? I can hear the bell.
Takase: ベルが聞こえます。(Beru ga kikoemasu.)
Peter: Okay, next we have
Yoshi: 中止 (chūshi)
Peter: To cancel.
Yoshi: (slow)ちゅうし (chūshi) (natural speed)中止 (chūshi)
Peter: In the dialogue, we had
Yoshi: 今日の試合は中止ですから。(Kyō no shiai wa chūshi desu kara.)
Peter: Yes. Because today’s game is canceled, this word is used for planned events. When something is planned like a sporting event or a party and it gets canceled, we would say
Yoshi: 中止です (chūshi desu)
Peter: Yes. Okay, next we have
Takase: 寂しい (sabishii)
Peter: Lonely.
Takase: (slow)さびしい (sabishii) (natural speed)寂しい (sabishii)
Peter: Yes. It’s such a sad word, Takase. Okay, I know. 寂しいの反対は何ですか。(Sabishii no hantai wa nan desu ka.)
Takase: 寂しくない (sabishikunai)
Peter: Takase, okay I know that. Yoshi, help us out here. What’s the opposite of 寂しい (sabishii)?
Yoshi: 寂しくない (sabishikunai)
Peter: I am getting no help from the staff today. Yes, all right, umm. I will make an assumption here. If anyone would like to correct me please leave us a post at japanesepod101.com. Okay, the opposite of 寂しい (sabishii) is 嬉しい (ureshii)
Takase: Ey?
Peter: Takase begs to differ. Takase?
Takase: 寂しくない (sabishikunai)
Peter: Okay, there it is folks. We have a 3 to 1 although there is only three people in the studio, the vote is 3 to 1, 寂しくない (sabishikunai) is the opposite.

Lesson focus

Peter: Okay, let’s move on to today’s point. Yoshi, what’s today’s point?
Yoshi: ましょう (mashō)
Peter: And what does this mean?
Yoshi: Let’s do something.
Peter: Yep, there it is. Over the past month, we’ve introduced you to the ます (masu) form of class 1, class 2 and class 3 verbs. Now the best thing about let’s do something is that the conjugation is so easy. Right, Yoshi?
Yoshi: Yes.
Peter: Right, Takase?
Takase: Yes.
Peter: We turned the す (su) into
Yoshi: しょう (shō)
Peter: For example, in the dialogue, we had a few verbs. The first one is
Yoshi: しましょう (shimashō)
Peter: Okay Takase, what is the masu form of this verb?
Takase: します (shimasu)
Peter: What did we use in the dialogue?
Yoshi: しましょう (shimashō)
Peter: So します (shimasu) becomes しましょう (shimashō) and the way we change this is, we take the す (su) and replace it with.
Yoshi: しょう (shō)
Peter: And that’s it. It’s such an easy conjugation. Right, Takase?
Takase: Yes.
Peter: Oh, give me one more.
Takase: Yes.
Peter: Oh…
Yoshi: She rocks.
Peter: She rocks. So let’s give you a few examples. In the dialogue, what other verbs did we use, Takase?
Takase: 映画を見ましょう。(Eiga o mimashō.)
Peter: Okay. What is the polite masu form of this verb?
Yoshi: 見ます (mimasu)
Peter: And it becomes
Takase: 見ましょう (mimashō)
Peter: There is another verb we had in there which is
Yoshi: 呼びましょう (yobimashō)
Peter: And the polite present form of this verb is
Takase: 呼びます (yobimasu)
Peter: Yep, the ます (masu) form. Again we turn the す (su) into
Yoshi: しょう (shō)
Peter: That’s it. Let’s do a couple of examples. How can we say let’s eat.
Yoshi: 食べましょう (tabemashō)
Peter: There it is. Takase, what do you like to do every Friday night?
Takase: 飲みましょう (nomimashō)
Peter: Yes, 食べましょう (tabemashō), 飲みましょう (nomimashō), 映画見ましょう (eiga mimashō). Okay, so that’s going to do it for today. Did you have fun, Takase?
Takase: Yes.
Peter: Okay. How about you, Yoshi? How was your first day?
Yoshi: Ah, it was great.
Peter: Don’t get too excited.
Yoshi: Okay.
Peter: Okay, that’s going to do it for today.
Takase: また明日。(Mata ashita.)
Yoshi: じゃあまた。(Jā mata.)


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