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Anyways / Please Make Sure

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Anyways / Please Make Sure

Postby ecarliz » September 14th, 2016 2:54 am


I would like to know how to say the following phrases:

Please make sure you tell him to eat all the food: かれにごはんをたべて確認してください

I wouldn't want to go back to my country anyways: どうせ私の国へかえたくないんだから

I don't think these are correct, can someone please help me with this?


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Re: Anyways / Please Make Sure

Postby community.japanese » September 24th, 2016 8:14 am


I can't just translate to the way that you can use in any situations, because some words
can be translated into other words to better suit in context.
So, will you give us the situation or context when you want to use those sentences?

Just as reference...
1. Please make sure you tell him to eat all the food.
This can be translated typically as:
かならず かれに ごはんを ぜんぶ たべるように 言ってください。

2. I wouldn't want to go back to my country anyways.
This can be translated typically as:
(I can't actually decide the translation here because I don't know why you chose
to use 'would (not)' instead of simple don't, but I think this translation should be okay.)

Please also know that some expressions like 'make sure' cannot really be translated
into Japanese and use in the same way as English. We might need to change the expressions
or the sentence pattern itself to say the same thing in the natural way.

Natsuko (奈津子),
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