こにちわ 皆さん。
I came here in search for an answer to almost the exact same question as the one posted initially in this thread.
After reading all the replies i just realized that i have a long long way to go.
Allthough im not a complete beginner i started with the Absolute Beginner Section and i am trying to learn kanjis given throughout the lesson as well learning joyo grade 1 kanjis.
I thought i knew how kanis do work but then i came across: 大丈夫
And nothing made sense to me any more...
I mean, whats the point in learning meanings to kanji, when you only need the on/kun readings
Words like: 猫 本日 肉
do make sense i feel, but im completely lost when meeting compounds like 大丈夫.
How should you know this is written like this if you dont learn the word + kanji writing as a whole?
If i learn the 3 kanjis separately i could maybe work out to use them to construct a word, but how do i know if the outcome is actually right??
For Example:
I have 本 and 大.
Then there ist the word おおもと. I know i can wirte おお本 but can i also write 大本.
And if i cant use it, how can i know that i cant use it?
Im a bit confused here
maybe someone can help me out or show me a possible error in my thoughts regarding this.