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Can't play the recordings or go the the vocab session

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Can't play the recordings or go the the vocab session

Postby alvisspeaking1334 » December 28th, 2013 12:04 pm

Hi, there, I am Alvis Yu. The web site had worked fine until recently when I couldn't play the recording (I can see all those sound icons but they're not responsive when I click them). Worse yet, I realize that I can't get access to "lesson materials" or "Review" since nothing happens when I click on either of them. Does this have to do with my google chrome? Like I said, it worked perfectly fine for a few months till now...My google chrome's version's 31.0.1650.63 m, which is up to date.

Another program I am experiencing is that the recording function doesn't work on my IE browser (Every time I record my voice on the site there's a constant buzzing sound overwriting my voice.), though everything else is working properly...

I hope my problems can be solved soon. Thank you!  じゃ、まだ!


Alvis Yu

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Re: Can't play the recordings or go the the vocab session

Postby community.japanese » January 7th, 2014 4:53 am

sorry for the inconvenience! :(
And thank you for your patience!
Could you please try using it again, and let us know if you're still experiencing any problems?
If you do, please send us more details to .
In meanwhile, hope you can enjoy other features and lessons :D

Natsuko (奈津子),

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