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How do I say I love this in Japanese

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How do I say I love this in Japanese

Postby keira031627 » December 11th, 2013 7:56 pm

Sorry to bother you folks again :)
Is this the correct translation for 'I love this'
Watashi wa kore wa daisuki.

If so how can I say ''I love this also'' / ''I also love this'' In kana and romaji
Thank you for all your help

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Re: How do I say I love this in Japanese

Postby Tracel » December 11th, 2013 8:28 pm

keira031627 wrote:Sorry to bother you folks again :)
Is this the correct translation for 'I love this'
Watashi wa kore wa daisuki.

If so how can I say ''I love this also'' / ''I also love this'' In kana and romaji
Thank you for all your help

Hello there,
Pretty close :D

Watashi wa kore ga suki desu.
I love/like this.

Now for your 'also' it depends if you mean 'me too, I like this.’ or 'I like this one and this one as well.'

Watashi mo kore ga suki desu.
I also love /like this (like you do).

Watashi wa kore mo suki desu.
I like/love this one as well.

The particle marker も indicates 'also', and changes the meaning depending on where it is in the sentence.

Have fun,
トラ :blob:

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Re: How do I say I love this in Japanese

Postby keira031627 » December 11th, 2013 8:40 pm

That was really helpful, Thank You so much Tracel :D

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Re: How do I say I love this in Japanese

Postby thegooseking » December 12th, 2013 1:21 pm

As you probably guessed, the 大 in 大好き, since it literally means 'big', is an intensifier. It's not so much that 好き means 'like' and 大好き means 'love', but more that 好き means (as トラさん said) 'like' or 'love', and 大好き means "really like or love". It's a little hard to see the distinction, since in English we often casually use 'love' as a more intense kind of 'like' anyway. But you would use 大好き more when you want to be emphatic.

I'm going to shamelessly pilfer an example from the Tanaka corpus rather than coming up with my own, because I think it's a really clear example and I don't think I can come up with a better one.

Watashi wa chīzu ga suki da. Mashite chīzukēki wa daisuki da.
"I love cheese. More than that, I really love cheesecake."

I hope that's not just more confusing!


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Re: How do I say I love this in Japanese

Postby community.japanese » December 19th, 2013 6:15 am

keira031627-san, トラsan, 子狼san,
Thank you very much for helping each other :D

Natsuko (奈津子),

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Re: How do I say I love this in Japanese

Postby keira031627 » December 26th, 2013 7:38 pm

Thank you all for the help :D :D :D

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