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Which particle should I use?

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Which particle should I use?

Postby wildjasmin296741 » March 17th, 2013 1:29 am


I'm doing a translation exercise for "I'll only eat a little bit of bread."

I wrote this: パン を すごしだけ 食べます。

However the book's answer is this: パン  すごしだけ 食べます。

I wonder why "wa" is used, since bread is the object of "to eat."

あぃがとう ございます。


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Re: Which particle should I use?

Postby community.japanese » March 17th, 2013 4:01 am


Actually, if you're translating stand-alone sentence, your Japanese was perfect!! :oiwai:
I bet the book has certain context behind. Is it one sentence only or does it have pairing sentence (or is it
a conversation)?

Both your sentence and book's sentence are grammatically correct, but the meanings are a bit different.
Your sentence is, as I wrote above, correct and I believe you don't have question there.
The book's sentence, however, needs some "accompanying sentence/situation".
If this person eats only a bit of bread, AND eat something else, the book's sentence is proper.
For example, imagine you're at lunch table, and there're bread, salad and meat on the table.
You don't want to eat meat now, as you feel like salad.
パンは、すこしだけ 食べます。 As to bread, I eat only a little bit.
サラダは、たくさん 食べます。 As to salad, I'll eat a lot.
にくは、食べません。 As to meat, I won't eat.

Hope this helps! :wink:


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Re: Which particle should I use?

Postby wildjasmin296741 » March 17th, 2013 11:53 pm


Your answer is super helpful! :ue: :ue:

With your おいしいexample, I feel I start to understand a little bit about は  :oiwai:

Thank you so much.


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Re: Which particle should I use?

Postby community.japanese » March 18th, 2013 2:16 pm

それはよかったです~~~ :kokoro:
I'm really glad I could help you!

Any time, you're welcome :wink:


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