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comprehension and practice questions

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comprehension and practice questions

Postby yorikyo » December 25th, 2012 4:28 am is great but somewhat lacking in practice questions... and the writing and review questions feature is so simple and doesn't really help much in learning after gotten the text memorized.

heres a suggestion,

using the beginner season 6 lesson 2 as an example:

where's josh staying now?
what is his current job?

simple questions that test on the listener's comprehension of the text....

can we also have the vocab flashcard link popup in a new window?

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Re: comprehension and practice questions

Postby community.japanese » December 25th, 2012 10:11 am

you're right; thank you very much for your suggestion!! :D
I'll share your post with my team and discuss about it. Thank you!


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