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A few Kanji quizzes

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A few Kanji quizzes

Postby neko25097 » November 15th, 2012 4:40 pm

Here are a few Japanese quizzes to test your kanji and katakana:

There are separate quizzes on single kanji, compounds, by kyouiku level, verbs, adjectives, first names, family names etc.

The first level of the katakana quiz is on single characters, the second level, on words in katakana.
(with a bit of practice anyone can do 200 in 30 minutes and score 190/200)

Here are a few more quizzes but with phrases in romaji and kanji:

...relax, they are easier than you might think.

...and if you happen to know itarigo here are a few more:

There is also some kanji wallpaper for your desktop.

Score well to see the next level and go to the Menu to initialize the score. Have fun.

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Re: A few Kanji quizzes

Postby community.japanese » November 16th, 2012 11:38 am

Wow, that's interesting! Thank you for sharing! :D


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Re: A few Kanji quizzes

Postby hstevecooper9999 » January 17th, 2013 10:31 pm

Lots of kanji games and quizzes here:

The quizzes are separated by each JLPT level, and you can look up kanji by Kanken (Kanji Kentei Shiken) level, too. The kanji games are great for building Japanese vocabulary, too.

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