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itunes audio lesson link doesn't work.

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itunes audio lesson link doesn't work.

Postby robcyborgslunk6905 » May 31st, 2012 5:42 pm

i want to use my basic account to sign up to the itunes feed for the audio lessons and .pdf files.

the problem is, before i upgraded my account to basic, i clicked the itunes link to see how it works.
i then dismissed the user id/password pop-up so i could go and create my account.

now the pop-up will not appear when i click the link.

i tested the premium link to see if it works, and again, it popped up once, but only the first time i clicked the link.

please help.

New in Town
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Joined: May 28th, 2012 12:15 pm

Postby robcyborgslunk6905 » May 31st, 2012 6:00 pm

it popped up eventually.

now it is just taking forever to create the list of available podcasts.

i guess it's because there are over 500 downloads available.

they should be split up in to different feeds.
one for each series.

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Postby jaehwi » June 7th, 2012 6:20 am


We're glad to hear that you can finally access to the iTunes feed. has a great deal of lessons, so it will take time to make a list.

Instead, you can make your own list when you go to the My Feeds.

When you click My Tools->My Feeds on the top menu, you can select which series you want to get on the feed. Then you can simply have what you need.

If you have any quesitons, please let us know.

Thank you!

Jae Lee /

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