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Gaps in Basic Feed (Missing Podcast Episodes)

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Gaps in Basic Feed (Missing Podcast Episodes)

Postby dlm7168 » October 12th, 2011 1:26 pm

Hello... I've been a member for a few years... great resource! Have a problem and would appreciate some help.

I subscribe to the basic feed to iTunes on a Mac. I therefore in principle can access all the lessons to download to iPod. I definitely want to do this, because I am trying to work my way through all 120+ of Miki's blogs from the first season. So I have access to most of these through the iTunes feed, but there are quite a few gaps. Meaning, I have access through iTunes to episodes: 31,33,34, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42,... This is a major problem because I don't see any way to download the "missing" episodes to iPod (which is where I listen to them, not at the computer).

Is there some way either to access the "gap" episodes manually, or (even better) just refresh so that every single one of the episodes is available for me to download through iTunes?

Thanks in advance for the help, and keep up the good work.


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