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Is there a way to add Kanji Character to Kotoeri?

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Is there a way to add Kanji Character to Kotoeri?

Postby Eray » June 11th, 2011 5:40 am


I'm a long time Mac user. My current machine uses 10.5.8. I know about and have been using Kotoeri for a while to type in Japanese.

Recently I've been working on expanding my vocabulary and have encountered a bit of a problem. I'll be typing out a new word in hiragana, such as こうかてき, which my dictionary defines as "effective," with the following kanji characters: 効果的. When I hit the spacebar and scroll down the box that gives you the choices of kanji to choose from, that combination of characters won't come up. I'll get 境科的 or 強化的 or 居羽化的 or any of a number of different kanji character choices, but not the one I see listed in the dictionary listing. What I've been forced to do is cut and paste the characters from the dictionary listing into my sentences, somewhat laborious and frustrating too, since the system has the character to display in the dictionary.

There appears to be a way to "register" words with Kotoeri, which I am assuming/hoping is a way of adding kanji characters to a specific phonetic combination, but I can't seem to get it to work that way. If someone knows of a way to do this, I would appreciate it if you could tell me how.



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Postby chris666 » June 11th, 2011 9:27 am


when configuring your Mac for Kotoeri you should check the option "show input menu in menubar". The option to register new words is part of this menu. the keyboard shortcut is shift-ctrl-N. Registering words is only possible when kotoeri is activated as input source.

Hope that helps.


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Postby Psy » June 13th, 2011 6:44 pm

Doing this is pretty trivial:

Go to the "Register Words" item of the Kotoeri menu:
Then add your word as needed:

I'm a little weirded out that your computer would be showing 境科的/強化的/居羽化的 for こうかてき, as こう isn't a standard reading for either 境 or 強. Not wanting to be patronizing, but... you're sure you haven't typing きょう by mistake?

At any rate, adding the word to your user dictionary will fix the problem.

Good luck!
High time to finish what I've started. || Anki vocabulary drive: 5,000/10k. Restart coming soon. || Dig my Road to Katakana tutorial on the App store.

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