There's probably demand for staff, since it's about the lowest paid creative job in the developed world.
This article is a bit old, but it might give you some idea.
"My monthly pay is ¥70,000 (about $700)... If I had a girlfriend, I can't get married." says a Japanese animator to the survey of the association called JAniCA, the yearly average earning of animators in their 20s is approx. ¥1100,000 (about $11,000) It is said that the rate of labor turnover in this field is 80%-90%. The situation is getting worse for young people to improve their skills to a higher level in addition to the subcontracting to various Asian countries.
If you've noticed Korean and Chinese names in any credits lately, then you'll know what the subcontracting part is about. And don't think the low pay means you won't have to work 60-70+ hour weeks. I've spoken to someone who's worked there, and if you don't like using your desk as a tent, not being able to take a paid vacation or become ill without losing your job, or generally not having any kind of life, then it might not be for you. Japan is generally a horrible place to work compared to America or the UK, so be sure to do some research before making any commitments
See also: ... 3b9ba1.jpg