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入口 vs 入り口

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入口 vs 入り口

Postby majki » January 17th, 2010 11:14 pm


Could you please tell me the difference between 入口 and 入り口?
Is there one? When should each of these used? I'm a beginner but I've noticed in my textbook both of these so I got confused.

Thanks in advance,

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Postby blackburn » January 18th, 2010 5:26 am

My Japanese professors at university say that we shouldn't care about that. There is no diference in meaning at all. There is a pronunciation matter with those kanjis but nothing to worry about. You can use either of them with the same meaning.

Regards from Chile!!

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Postby Namake » January 10th, 2011 3:47 am

In Japan you usually see the first without the Hiragana, 入口 (entrance)
And the pronunciation as far as I know is いりぐち, on both cases, but I'm also an student (not native).

As Blackburn said; meaning is the same.

Colega Chileno, saludos desde Colombia.

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Postby lectrolux5282 » January 10th, 2011 6:02 am

It's similar to:

押入 押入れ 押し入れ (oshiire)

They are all exactly the same! Sometimes hiragana from between kanji is cut (especially when you see written on signs)

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入口 vs 入り口

Postby Photios » June 13th, 2011 3:24 pm

The signs in all of the train stations, stores, etc., that I have noticed while in Japan all say 入口. I have never seen 入り口.

I hope this helps a little.

Regards from Yokosuka ( 横須賀 ), Kanagawa-ken ( 神奈川県 ),


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Postby j_bertoni2279 » June 15th, 2011 4:42 am

Japanese language is flexible in terms of okurigana and spellings. Both forms are correct, but I agree that the signs seem to use only the kanji, as far as I can recall. I'm not sure I'd notice the difference, though.

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