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Hajimete no otsukai

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Hajimete no otsukai

Postby Taurus » July 10th, 2009 9:25 pm

I'm not sure if it's been mentioned on here before, but one of my favourite Japanese TV shows is Hajimete no Otsukai. And actually it's quite a good resource for beginner learners, because there's a lot of quite simple Japanese: the premise is that they send off some tiny kids on their own to perform some sort of errand - say to go shopping, or to go home and make some orange juice or whatever. And the whole way, they're secretly filmed. And they're so cute!

You can see an episode here.

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thank you

Postby genevere » July 11th, 2009 4:27 am

Cheers, it's a great link. Thank you.

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Postby QuackingShoe » July 11th, 2009 6:23 am

Ah, I'd seen a small part of this before and thought it was amusing, but didn't know what it was. Thanks.

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