hello again everyone,
a new concept/question i have today is:
i learned that to make sentences that are compiled from more than one verb, for example:
"i went to school, drank cola and watched TV"
you need to make only the last verb in past tense and the previous verbs in Te form.
"Gakkou ni itte, cola wo nonde, Terebi wo mimashta" (if there's a particle mistake here, please let me know)
now if you were to listen to this in spoken language, you could interpret it as:
"Go to school!, Drink Cola!..." and then "Watched TV"
("Gakkou ni itte!" , "Cola wo nonde!" , "TV wo mimashta")
do you not agree?
i guess that if he finishes the sentence then you might understand he is talking about himself and things he did because it's in the same "breath" of words, but:
what happens in Japanese if someone don't complete his sentence?
like if he get cut in the middle of the sentence?
unlike in English you can understand the first part of the sentence almost to 99% certainty, but can you do the same in Japanese?
sorry for the long post, hopefully someone can help me on this.
thank you very much.