homer_3 wrote:Is anyone else having problems getting the beginner lessons to stream? I keep getting "error opening file". I've tried in both Chrome an IE 8.
Can you tell us which Beginner lessons you are having trouble with? (Any specific seasons?) Can you not stream any of them? Please let us know a bit more and we'll see what the problem is!
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Well, they started working again the next day. Although, now none of the free content is available. I guess you only get X free lessons or X free days after sign up?
I've noticed that as well , - Error opening file(s) .
But, I'm in the newbie section.
So, let us both ( or all ? ) get it confimred that we can only download / listen X amount of files before we are getting " disconnected " ( Durning the Seven days premium ) ?
And if so, do we need to phurcase another PREMIUM or BASIC for keep downloading / listening ?