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Japanese lessons on the iPhone

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Japanese lessons on the iPhone

Postby shoogy » November 25th, 2008 1:57 am

I posted this in another forum but didn't hear anything, so I am upgrading my requested to a technical problem. I see a couple other people using the Feed system are having similar issues with Naming.

I have a premium membership and I find it really useful to group the different lesson types into different feeds. In iTunes it appears | My Feed - BeginnerLessons | My Feed - Intermediate Lessons | My Feed - Lower Intermediate Lessons | My Feed - Survival Phrases

In my iPhone it appears (624 Episodes) (306 Episodes) (119 Episodes) (64 Episodes)

I have to go into each section and try and listen to figure out which lesson series I am listening to.

Is it possible to rename Feeds once they are in iTunes? Is it possible to allow us to put the custom name BEFORE the " | My Feed -"?

Love your site. Please keep up the good work.


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Joined: March 3rd, 2008 7:28 pm

Postby allen94306 » February 18th, 2011 8:26 pm

For Podcasts that are not going to add new episodes (old beginner series, for instance) you can do this:

1. Set up a My Feed.
2. Click the link to get it into iTunes
3. Download at least one episode
4. Open the podcast (click the little arrow to show the contents of the podcast)
5. Select the TITLE of the podcast AND all of its contained items. For instance, if you have a podcast called | My Feed - Beginner-S6, select that row, AND all of the individual lessons contained.
6. Right-click (or ctrl-click) on your selection and choose Get Info
7. In the dialog, enter your desired short name (for example, "B-6 Japanesepod") in the ALBUM field. When you change it, the little checkbox should also become checked.
8. Submit.
9. You won't see any difference in the Podcasts list! But...
10. Sync your iPod/iPhone
11. You SHOULD see the new title ("B-6 Japanesepod") in the listing on your iPhone.

THIS WILL NOT WORK on podcasts that are going to be updated! The new episode coming in will break the naming =(

The only real fix for this is for JP101 to change their naming scheme to put the name you choose first in the name of the feed.
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