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Vocabulary Lists in the Learning Center

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Vocabulary Lists in the Learning Center

Postby Honchosan » June 7th, 2006 1:50 am

I have been using the "Printer Friendly" option to print my word bank lists. When I get to Beginniner's Lesson #23 and beyond I find that there are no vocabulary lists. Is it me or are they not posted as of yet ? どうもありがとう、ほんちょさん

Eran Team Member
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Postby Eran » June 9th, 2006 11:21 am


Lesson number 23-28 are missing the Vocabulary Lists but we are working on them and should have them in place shortly. The remaining beginner lessons should all have their vocabulary lists.

Sorry about the inconenience and thank you for bringing this issue to our attention.


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