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Itune problem

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Joined: January 15th, 2008 1:35 am

Itune problem

Postby idhreniel » March 28th, 2008 8:42 pm

Okay, i know many of you out there wouldnt believe that there are still people using dialup in the world..BUT I am one.

Downloading wasnt a problem til I half way through beginner s1. After that, whenever i got disconnected, or even when i stay connected, itune will tell me my files are " done". But when i come to play them a few days later, the file would be half completed or only a few seconds worth!

I tried to download some of the files at work and " replace" the bad files with the good ones, but itune doesnt seem to like it that way.

I am broading at the moment and there is no chance in heaven my host would want to install broadband.

Can any one help me to fix this problem ?

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