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New Flashcards 2.3 (please post all bugs/issues here)

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Postby MagicToaster » January 21st, 2012 4:05 pm

They work now that I downloaded firefox again 8) Thankyou !!

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Postby gaghl641295 » January 21st, 2012 8:21 pm

Watashi wa, intānettoekusupurōrā 9 to u~indōzu 7 o motte iru. Watashi no furasshukādo ga hyōji sa renai no wa!
Tasuketekudasai :(

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Postby gaghl641295 » January 21st, 2012 8:41 pm

Sore wa, faiafokkusu de dōsa shimasuga, dekkikara itsutsu ga dōsa shite inai :?

Jessi Team Member
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Postby Jessi » February 1st, 2012 8:38 am

Hello everyone,
We apologize for the ongoing issues with the flashcards. The tech team is still working at finding out the reason for the decks disappearing, and they think it may in some way be related to recent password/account changes. Please know that your data is safe, and that they are working on restoring everyone's decks along with the progress. :ue:
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Jessi Team Member
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Postby Jessi » February 14th, 2012 7:55 am

Hello again,
Thank you all for your patience. Everyone should find their flashcard decks restored with progress intact and everything. Please let us know if you are still experiencing problems, and please include what OS and browser you are using.
Thank you very much :ue:
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Postby verhoenic » February 15th, 2012 6:13 am

Hi! I don't know why but a few of my previous decks, which were almost one year old, just reappeared in my flashcards.
It's very good news. It seems everything is working fine.

Thank you for your work.

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Postby jedriver2903 » April 5th, 2012 11:40 am

Is there any further information about having flashcards that work on Android? This issue was raised in another thread, but there has been no response for a long time. Basically, using android browser - I'm using a galaxy tab 10.1- you can get to the point of launching a deck, but when you click the start button, you don't get a flashcard.

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Postby KingDog » May 24th, 2012 8:09 pm

After taking almost a year off, I came back today to try and build a new deck. I added about 20 new words and labelled them. Then I started a new deck and went to add the new labelled cards, but there was only 5 words listed. No matter how many times I tried to add or remake the deck, only those 5 or so words would show up.

I was hoping that things would be running a bit better with the flashcards after giving it a year, but sadly it doesn't appear that way.

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