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Vocabulary first, then dialogue?

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Postby Charles » May 30th, 2006 6:16 pm

Satsujin wrote:To assist in this the Jpod crew could post the lesson in two separate tracks. The dialogue and then the explanation (these are recorded separate and then pasted together in post-production anyway so it's not like it would be any extra work). Then you can listen to them in what ever order your heart desires.

That's an interesting idea. Although, downloads seem already complicated enough by having separate informal tracks.

I've been skipping around the tracks on my own. It means I use my hands more, but that's probably a good thing anyways. ;)

Jason Team Member
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Postby Jason » May 31st, 2006 6:27 am

Charles wrote:That's an interesting idea. Although, downloads seem already complicated enough by having separate informal tracks.

I agree. Seperating the lessons into 2 seperate files is likely going to cause more headaches than benefits for most users. Too bad mp3 doesn't support chapter markers or something like that. If you really wanted seperate and/or rearranged files, you can do it yourself with a program like Audacity:
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Postby Satsujin » May 31st, 2006 1:28 pm

Yeah I thought that it might complicate things also....Maybe they could just post the time that the different sections start (i.e. vocab section) to make it easy to fast forward to that section:

for example:

Dialogue: 1:20
Slow dialogue: 3:40
Dialogue with English: 5:00
Vocab Section: 8:30

This would make

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Postby Charles » May 31st, 2006 8:02 pm

Well, why not swtich to AAC and have chapter markers?

Jason Team Member
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Postby Jason » June 1st, 2006 2:23 am

Charles wrote:Well, why not swtich to AAC and have chapter markers?

Because a lot of MP3 players don't support AAC.
Manager of Mobile & Mac Applications

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Postby Charles » June 1st, 2006 3:15 am

But isn't this :)

I understand you have to keep your market as large as possible. Maybe someday more players will support it.

Although I regularly have to remind myself that other mp3 players still exist.

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