For some reason, I just can't find very much Japanese music that interests me. I've seen the Polysics live a couple of times and even though they're great live, I can't really listen to their records. The Boredoms are a bit too noisy for me, but OOIOO has a couple of songs that I like. Boris' Pink album was great, but I'm not that into their other stuff. Shugo Tokumaru is pretty good, but it puts me to sleep sometimes. The Michelle Gun Elephant and Cornelius are good from what I've heard. I just haven't heard very much. I also really like Nagisa Ni Te, even though they're a little fond of writing very long songs. Anyone care to make some recommendations to me based on these random statements?
Here's some links to a few songs that I do really dig:
The Blue Hearts - Train Train
L'Arc En Ciel - Driver's High
Happy End - Kaze wo Atsumete ... re=related