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Getting JPod101 to work with the Zune.

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Getting JPod101 to work with the Zune.

Postby lamuness » March 7th, 2009 3:34 am

So if you have a Zune, and you want to get JPod101 to work on it, I figured it out. However it will require you to download iTunes. So if you're anti-iTunes, well sorry, lol.

So if you have a premium account, first you would need to make your own feed. I would recommend a feed that isn't too big, because I think Zune software isn't that keen on handling lots of episodes at once. So for my case, I made a feed for Newbie Lessons. Here's the step by step:

1) Goto MyFeeds, and make yourself a podcast feed.
2) Click on the first link it generates, and stick it into iTunes.
3) Open up iTunes, and click Get All, or whatever episodes you want.
4) Open Zune > Click on Settings > goto Software, and add the iTunes folder that they're downloading the podcasts into. I put them in both the Music and Podcasts folders.
5) Goto Collection > Podcasts, and your new feed should be in there.

iTunes freaks out sometimes, so if you get a new podcast in there that's called something different, like in my case, I had two podcasts: 1) - Newbie Lessons, and 2) Newbie Lessons. Sensing something was wrong I looked in the Newbie Lessons folder and it contained partially downloaded files. So if this happens, this is what you do:

1) Goto iTunes, find and delete those files. They will usually have the same name, like, Newbie Lesson #54. If it asks you to throw it into the recycle bin, do so. Don't keep the files.
2) Click on the triangle in front of the podcast in iTunes to collapse it, then hold SHIFT and click on it again. This will force the iTunes to refresh the deleted files.
3) Get all again, and hopefully this problem goes away. If not just repeat. It will eventually go away.

Now all you gotta do is goto your Collections in Zune, and sync away!

Hope this is useful before all of you sell your Zunes, lol.

The only problem is Zune doesn't have support for PDF, so you need to look at those on iTunes, or on your computer somehow.

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