それは素晴らしいですね、ムスタファさん! (Sore wa subarashii desu ne, Mustafa-san! "That's wonderful, Mustafa!") サザンの「TSUNAMI」はとても良い歌ですよね。 (Sazan no "TSUNAMI" wa totemo yoi uta desu yo ne. "Southern's 'TSUNAMI' is a very good song, isn't it?")
Just a small correction.
「サザンの「TSUNAMI」が 大好きで、この楽曲は暗唱できます。」という文は「サザンの「TSUNAMI」が 大好きで、この楽曲は歌詞(かし)を見(み)ないで歌(うた)えます。」と言(い)うと良(よ)いでしょう。
(The sentence 'サザンの「TSUNAMI」が 大好きで、この楽曲は暗唱できます。' would be better phrased as 'サザンの「TSUNAMI」が 大好きで、この楽曲は歌詞を見ないで歌えます。' ("I love Southern's 'TSUNAMI' and can sing this song without looking at the lyrics".))
The word "暗唱" typically refers to memorizing and reciting something, such as a poem, speech, or passage from memory without looking at the text. And it is not commonly used to refer to singing a song without seeing the lyrics.
引き続き頑張ってください、ムスタファさん! (Hikitsuzuki ganbatte kudasai, Mustafa-san! "Please continue to do your best, Mustafa!")
ありがとうございます! (Arigatō gozaimasu! "Thank you!")
Team JapanesePod101.com
Do you know any songs by the Southern All Stars? :)
それは素晴らしいですね、ムスタファさん! (Sore wa subarashii desu ne, Mustafa-san! "That's wonderful, Mustafa!") サザンの「TSUNAMI」はとても良い歌ですよね。 (Sazan no "TSUNAMI" wa totemo yoi uta desu yo ne. "Southern's 'TSUNAMI' is a very good song, isn't it?")
Just a small correction.
「サザンの「TSUNAMI」が 大好きで、この楽曲は暗唱できます。」という文は「サザンの「TSUNAMI」が 大好きで、この楽曲は歌詞(かし)を見(み)ないで歌(うた)えます。」と言(い)うと良(よ)いでしょう。
(The sentence 'サザンの「TSUNAMI」が 大好きで、この楽曲は暗唱できます。' would be better phrased as 'サザンの「TSUNAMI」が 大好きで、この楽曲は歌詞を見ないで歌えます。' ("I love Southern's 'TSUNAMI' and can sing this song without looking at the lyrics".))
The word "暗唱" typically refers to memorizing and reciting something, such as a poem, speech, or passage from memory without looking at the text. And it is not commonly used to refer to singing a song without seeing the lyrics.
引き続き頑張ってください、ムスタファさん! (Hikitsuzuki ganbatte kudasai, Mustafa-san! "Please continue to do your best, Mustafa!")
ありがとうございます! (Arigatō gozaimasu! "Thank you!")
Team JapanesePod101.com
サザンの「TSUNAMI」が 大好きで、この楽曲は暗唱できます。言い換えれば、サザンの大ファンです。😄
Hi Frith Barbat,
Thank you very much for the comment! サザン is still very popular after all these years. I bet listing to their music brings back many memories from your stay in Japan. 😄
Miki H
Team JapanesePod101.com
When I first lived in Japan, in the early 1980s, サザン's "Nude Man" had just been released. I loved this album so much, I bought it years later on CD. I'm so glad to hear that I am not the only one who has trouble understanding the lyrics. I really love every song on the album, but especially 夏をあきらめて and 流れる雲を追いかけて. I must try to buy some of their later stuff, and find the lyrics to the songs on this album!!
it's "besides" in English.
It can be translated also as "other than".
Hope this helps!
Team JapanesePod101.com
thank for lesson audio
sry i got question
this 上の what it stand for