
Vocabulary (Review)

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Lesson Transcript

M: Shinigamiさん、先月頼んでおいた新曲の方なんですが、もう出来上がりましたか?
F: もちろんです。今回のラブソングはぐっときますよ。
M: どんな歌ですか?
F: 男と女が街で出会って、恋に落ちて、ふたりでいなかの方に引っ越すんです。
M: それで?
F: 車を買って、おそろいの靴をはいて、ふたりで鍋を囲んで。
M: なんかいい歌ですね。そのあとどうなるんですか?
F: 男の人はテレビゲームをやって、女の人は、宇宙飛行士になるんです。
M: なんか壮大な歌ですね。
F: 女の人は宇宙に行って、クフ王に会って、こんな感じの踊りをするんです。
M: あー、エジプトの。
F: そうです。それがやがて、祭りとなって、宇宙は平和になるんです。
M: あー、なるほど。いいですね、そのアイデア。で、何分ぐらいにしますか?
F: 30秒です。
M: 短いですね。
Naomi: Naomiです。
Yuuki: Yuukiです。
Marky: Marky here. So you guys, we are here to do another requested intro lesson.
Naomi: はい。
Marky: The last one was pretty long and we did 11 intros. They were short ones. Today, we are covering 7 long ones.
Yuuki: Oh!
Marky: These are – yeah scripted ones and like we said in the last intro culture class, these started as unscripted things and they sort of took on a life of their own. There were actually a few lessons that had longer intros and conversations. I am going to try not to do that again but sometimes しょうがない right. Anyways, this first one was a big hit. People loved it and I loved it. This was the only intro we’ve done with Natsuko and Natsuko did this completely unscripted. I asked her, can you do ものまね an impersonation of famous person and she said, no but I can do this.

Lesson focus

Natsuko: さぁ、各馬そろって一斉にスタートしました。今日の日本語学習カップ、さぁ、勝つのはどの馬だ。一斉にコーナーを回ったぞ。おっと!ここで出てきたのは、Japanesepod101だ。Japanesepod101、力強いリードを保っています。おっと、Japanesepod101、これは強い!速いぞ、速いぞ、速いぞ。後続をぶっちぎって一着でゴールイン。今日の優勝は、Japanesepod101でした。
Naomi: すごいね。
Yuuki: 本物の解説者みたいですね。
Naomi: Yeah. そうですね。じょうず。
Marky: She is really good. You know, that was all one take.
Naomi: Hmm…
Marky: She didn’t make any mistakes. She just sat down, did it like that was it.
Yuuki: すげぇ。
Marky: でしょ?So for the listeners who couldn’t catch all of that, what did you do?
Naomi: She did the horseracing announcement.
Marky: She is a big horseracing fan.
Naomi: あ、そうなの。
Marky: Yeah. So she loves the horses, she knows a lot of statistics. Yeah I think it’s like one of her hobbies. So….
Naomi: Wow!
Marky: If you want to know about horseracing, ask Natsuko.
Naomi: PDFを見て、フレーズを確認しておいて下さい。
Marky: Yeah you guys want to check the PDF for this transcript, the grammar is not difficult right?
Naomi: No, no, no not at all.
Marky: Some of the vocabulary is maybe special for this situation or for announcing but it should be fairly easy to understand. So we recommend checking that out. Oh yeah! So this next one needs a little explanation. One day, we were working with Yoshikai and we brought him like seven scripts and every character was 店員, so shopkeeper and we also gave him the script for Miki’s 大学生の1日 day in life of a student in which he also played 店員. So it was like overkill and we are like Yoshikai so sorry, I am so sorry. And he was like, no it’s okay because he loves this character. So let’s have a listen.
店員: いらっしゃいませ。メニューがお決まりでしたらどうぞ。
客: ダブルベーコンバーガー下さい。
店員: ダブルベーコンバーガー、おひとつ。
客: ベーコン抜きで
店員: ベーコン抜きで。
客: チーズ抜き
店員: チーズ抜き
客: あ、オニオン多め。
店員: オニオン多め。
客: マヨネーズは抜きで。
店員: マヨネーズ抜き。
客: あ、そうそう。Japanesepodソース多め。
店員: Japanesepodソース多め。承りました。
Marky: This is not even hamburger. It’s like onion and Buns.
Naomi: そうですよね。 right ベーコン抜き no Bacon, チーズ抜きno cheese, オニオン多め so…
Marky: Extra.
Naomi: Extra onion. マヨネーズ抜きNo mayonnaise. So the Bacon burger だけど、 onion.
Yuuki: No Bacon burger じゃないですよ。
Naomi: ね、ベーコンがない。ベーコンがない、チーズがない、マヨネーズがない、 just onion. So that’s onion burger ね。
Marky: Yeah. Double union burger but he’s got the Japanesepod sauce.
Naomi: What is that?
Yuuki: おいしいかな?
Marky: Yeah I just laugh when I hear that voice but this is useful. You can use this conversation when you are ordering.
Naomi: そうですね。肉、抜きで。
Marky: So I mean for example, I hate mayonnaise and in Japan, they put mayonnaise on….
Naomi: Anything.
Marky: Right. So I always ask if there is mayonnaise on it and then mayonnaise.
Naomi: Mayonnaise 抜きで。
Marky: 抜きで。 Yeah and if you want something extra
Yuuki: マヨネーズ多め。
Marky: Do you really order that?
Naomi: I do.
Marky: Really?
Naomi: I love mayonnaise.
Marky: Wow yeah it’s really popular here. So….
Naomi: Yeah.
Marky: Maybe too popular. So this next one is also from a famous TV show. Last time we did 水戸黄門. This time we are doing
Yuuki: 北の国から
Marky: Can you give a little background on this show because I don’t know this one personally. I know the name of it now but I’ve never seen it. I don’t know the background.
Naomi: 北の国。北は north 国は country. So northern country, northern territory which means Hokkaido.
Marky: Aha!
Naomi: So it’s a story about a family who lives in Hokkaido and that family is very poor and…
Marky: They are farmers right?
Naomi: Yeah they are umm, they are farmers probably but they have a lot of problem and at the beginning of their drama, the son reads the letter to his mother かあさん、こっちはとても寒いわけで。
Marky: かあさん、こっちに引っ越してきてから、ずいぶんとたったわけで。淋しいこともいろいろあったけれど、そんな僕をなぐさめてくれたのが、Japanesepod101だったわけで。
Marky: After we recorded this, I came back to the office and I played it for the Japanese staff and everyone was laughing, everyone instantly knew this. So I mean, how popular is this show or how famous is this show?
Naomi: The audience rate was about 30% or 40%.
Marky: Oh really?
Naomi: Yeah.
Marky: Good statistics.
Naomi: そう。だから、すごい人気ですよね。私は、 I personally don’t like it but…
Marky: Is it depressing?
Naomi: Yeah it is.
Yuuki: Too sad – too sad story.
Marky: Oh do all ages watch this or is it for old people like we said before 水戸黄門 was kind of popular with old people or like very young kids.
Naomi: うん。これはみんな結構見ます。
Marky: Really?
Naomi: Yeah.
Marky: Wow! Has it been on for a long time?
Naomi: そうですね。
Yuuki: Like for 10 years?
Naomi: Ten years, yeah.
Marky: Wow!
Naomi: More than 10 years I guess.
Marky: Umm depressing show that’s famous for 10 years. Okay on that note, let’s jump to a completely different mindset and in this one, we call it the fight. This one is also popular because I think when you study Japanese in textbooks, you get very polite Japanese spoken very clearly and not so much slang but here at Japanese pod, we – you hear a lot of slang and a lot of stuff that you will hear on the street, we like to think of it as real Japanese but in this case, I think if I got into a fight, I wouldn’t understand what was being said to me. Probably 90% of it would go over my head because the words are contracted or slurred together, the pronunciation changes, all the politeness goes out the door and you know, usually we are talking about honorifics and polite ways to put people up or you know, to show some difference. You’ve got ways in Japanese to also show that someone is of a lower status and some auxiliary verbs that we want to translate here but this one was interesting because of that. So let’s listen to this one first.
M: いてっ!おめ、どこ目つけてんだよ?
M: てめぇこそ、どこに目つけてんだ、こら?
M: おめ、顔面へこますぞ、こら。
M: なんだと、おめ、このやろ。奥歯ガタガタいわすんぞ、こら。
M: ちょっと待って、待って、待って。Japanesepodじゃね?あれ。
M: あ?あ、ほんとだ。
M: あ、行く?
M: 行くに決まってんじゃねぇか。
M: じゃ、行こうぜ。
M: おぅ!
Marky: Yuuki, help us out.
Naomi: そうですね。お願いします。
Yuuki: え、でもNaomiさん、使ったことあるでしょ?
Naomi: ないよ。
Yuuki: おめぇ、とか。
Naomi: ないです。This is not my piece of cake. So Yuukiさん、どうぞ。
Marky: Well actually Yuuki, you pointed out that おめぇ。
Yuuki: おめぇ came from おまえ.
Marky: Yeah there are other words that have this え at the end.
Yuuki: てめぇ、いて。
Marky: And we’ve talked about this in other lessons. In guy style Japanese, often this I or I sound becomes shortened to え and that’s what happened here. What is てめぇ?
Yuuki: てめぇ is just you. It’s just informal of おまえ
Marky: Yeah so can I address Naomi Sensei with this? Is this like あなた様
Naomi: If you call me てめぇ I will punch you.
Marky: Really?
Yuuki: こえぇ。
Marky: Yeah. Yeah this is – these are fighting words.
Naomi: そう、強いですね。 Pretty strong.
Marky: Yeah so know it, don’t recommend using it. Anything else interesting in this conversation?
Yuuki: I am interested in おら、こら。
Marky: Me too.
Naomi: 何これは?
Marky: Well, Yuuki, come on, this is your forte. By the way, Yuuki is a black belt. So umm…
Naomi: Don’t upset him.
Marky: Yeah. You don’t want to get into a fight with this guy.
Yuuki: おら、こら、 like makes sentences strong おら!
Marky: Like hey but just really rude.
Yuuki: Umm そうそうそう。
Naomi: You know, trying to get someone’s attention. Yo!
Marky: Yo!
Naomi: Yo! 後ろから聞こえてきた。Yo!
Marky: Yo! Okay and I guess the important thing here is also how you say it. So roll those tongues buddy. Okay our next intro was great. So basically I said to the Yoshikai, hey, can you do something that’s like teacher teaching samurai. So like old style thing and what he did, I couldn’t understand at all but the intonation was really cool and I thought this has to be something. I brought it back to the office. Nobody knew what it was. Let’s have a listen and then Naomi is going to explain what this is.
Yuuki: 子(し)、のたまわく、学びてときにこれをまた学ぶ。楽しからずや。子、のたまわく、Japanesepod101を聞くべし。
Naomi: The 子(し) in this sentence means Confucius, the guy, the Chinese thinker?
Marky: Yeah Chinese philosopher.
Naomi: So Chinese philosopher.
Yuuki: Yeah the guy with the beard.
Naomi: 孔子(こうし) That’s the Japanese name and いわく means says. So 孔子 said Confucius said such and such.
Marky: Oh like a wise man once said
Naomi: 学びて is 学んで or 勉強して. So you study and ときに means sometimes.
Marky: Aha!
Naomi: Tokidoki これをならう、これをならう is これを勉強する again.
Marky: You will learn this.
Naomi: Yeah. So you study something and you review it again.
Marky: Oh!
Naomi: またよろこばしからずや。よろこばしからずや、喜ばしい is like pleasure right. So you should return what you have studied and review it. By doing so, your understanding will deepen, that kind of thing and that will be your pleasure. Wouldn’t that be great?
Marky: Yeah.
Naomi: ていう意味だと思います。
Marky: You know, I just told the guy doing impression of a teacher and like the guy quoted Confucius. I mean that is how awesome Yoshikai is. Dude, we would be lost without that guy. Okay the next one is a lot easier and not the old style Japanese. This is very modern. We call this Miki’s 焼き肉屋
店員: いらっしゃいませ。ご注文はお決まりですか?
客: えー、生ビールふたつと
店員: はい。
客: キムチ盛り合わせ。
店員: はい。
客: カルビ
店員: はい。
客: あと、Japanesepod101をサンチュ付きで。
店員: はい、サンチュ付きで。かしこまりました。少々お待ち下さい。
Marky: Who is hungry?
Naomi: はーい。
Yuuki: Me.
Marky: You know, I could hear that meat grilling.
Naomi: My stomach is ruffling.
Marky: I know. We haven’t had lunch.
Naomi: おなか減った。
Marky: Okay. Anyways, this is just a normal ordering situation.
Yuuki: Ordering meat and beer.
Naomi: At a Korean restaurant right?
Marky: Yes.
Naomi: サンチュって何ですか?
Yuuki: It’s like Korean lettuce that wrap up the meat and eat it.
Naomi: あー、おいしいですよね。
Marky: I love it. Actually there is an interesting phrase. When Yuuki ordered it, how did you ask?
Yuuki: Japanesepod101、サンチュ付きで。
Marky: So what’s that 付き?
Naomi: With.
Yuuki: With サンチュ. Normally we learned the word と for with. What’s different here or how can we use this one?
Yuuki: ラーメン、餃子付きで。
Marky: So Ramen with Gyoza.
Naomi: そうですね。 Of course you can say ラーメンと餃子. Sounds like it’s part of a set.
Marky: Ah!
Naomi: The 餃子 is part of a set or something and 餃子付きで。
Marky: So if you combine this yourself, you said, I want Ramen and a beer but it’s not part of the set, we couldn’t use 付き no.
Naomi: Usually no. ハンバーガー、ピクルス付きで、とか。
Marky: Oh.
Naomi: でも、ハンバーガー、ビール付きで、は、 sounds bit strange to me.
Marky: Okay so our last one, I call this ナンパ 101 with Mikiちゃん. Yuuki, what’s ナンパ?
Yuuki: Hit on someone.
Marky: Yeah so like hitting on girls or hitting on boys usually trying to get phone numbers or a date or something. So maybe this one is useful for you guys, I don’t know.
Miki: すいません、あの…
M: なんでしょうか?
Miki: あのー、一緒にデートしてくれませんかね?
M: いやー、ちょっと…
Miki: あの、すごいおもしろい映画があって。一緒に行きたいなと思うんですけど。
M: なんていう映画ですか?
Miki: Japanesepod101.comって言うんですけど。
M: 行きます。
Naomi: I heard the construction noise in the background.
Marky: Yeah Miki likes a man strong.
Naomi: あ、ほんと。 So Miki asked construction worker out.
Marky: Yeah they go see a movie.
Naomi: Ah okay.
Marky: Now this one I want to get into some detail because people are always asking us for pickup lines like in the forum, they always say, do a lesson on pickup lines. Some of these are okay.
Naomi: 一緒にデートしてくれませんかね。
Marky: And that means
Naomi: Would you go on a date with me please.
Marky: It’s useful you know!
Naomi: Very direct right?
Marky: Very direct.
Naomi: Yeah.
Marky: Maybe not so Japanese but if you don’t ask, maybe you won’t get the opportunity and of course, the construction worker says,
Yuuki: いやー、ちょっと。
Naomi: Because he is busy working.
Marky: Very, very good reading. Umm then next we had
Naomi: あの、すごいおもしろい映画があって、一緒に行きたいなと思うんですけど。
Marky: Okay that is good.
Naomi: Yeah there is a very funny movie. So I was wondering if we could go to the movie together.
Marky: Yeah and I mean you could change the sentence to other things like there is a great art exhibit.
Naomi: Umm すごいおもしろいアート展があって、一緒に行きたいなと思うんですけど。いいですね。
Marky: Yeah I mean you could change that for anything.
Naomi: そうね。
Marky: They are recording intros in the studio.
Yuuki: スタジオでおもしろいイントロを録ってるんですが、 一緒に行きたいなと思うんですが。
Marky: Then he asks
Yuuki: なんという映画ですか?
Marky: All right, what movie is it? She replies,
Naomi: Japanesepod101っていうんですけど。
Marky: So it’s called japanesepod101.com and
Yuuki: 行きます。


Marky: yeah of course, who wouldn’t. All right, that is all the time we have today. So leave some comments in the forum. What did you guys think about this? Also, checkout the PDF. We got all the transcripts in there for you. And we will be planning another culture class going over more of the intros. Also I am personally interesting in what have been some of your favorite ones. So if you heard any in this culture class or the previous one or one that we haven’t covered yet, go ahead and give us the shout you know. We like to hear it. So peace out.
Yuuki: じゃあね。
Naomi: じゃ、また。


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